Curiosity Roving
Curiosity Roving : V. 27 : Grinchmas
December 17, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.27 : Grinchmas in which we commit to the afterlife ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.26 : Lone Star
May 11, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.26 : Lone Star in which we surrender to change ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.25 : Great Divide
April 11, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.25 : Great Divide in which the tocks are ticking ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.24 : Lake Life
March 11, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.24 : Lake Life in which we make a splash ___________________________ Greetings and Salutations!...
Curiosity Roving : V.23 : Pura Vida
February 11, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.23 : Pura Vida in which hope springs eternal ___________________________ Greetings and Salutations!...
Curiosity Roving : V. 22 : Tierra Querida
January 13, 2023
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.22 : Tierra Querida in which we examine Colombia ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.21 : Cycle Closer
December 26, 2022
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.21 : Cycle Closer in which the mischief has been managed ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.20 : Morelos Chinelos
November 24, 2022
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.20 : Morelos Chinelos in which we observe the ritual ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.19 : Gold Rush
October 26, 2022
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.19 : Gold Rush in which we love California ___________________________ Greetings and Salutations!...
Curiosity Roving : V.18 : Chaos Control
September 24, 2022
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.18 : Chaos Control in which we say goodbye and hello ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.17 : Salt and Sweat
September 20, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.17 : Salt and Sweat in which life has changed ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.16 : Bold Moves
August 21, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.16 : Bold Moves in which we plant the winter wheat ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.15 : The Great North
July 21, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.15 : The Great North in which we discuss the weather ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.14 : Quiet Bloom
June 19, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.14 : Quiet Bloom in which we watch and listen ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.13 : Small World
May 20, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.13 : Small World in which, lacking space, we explore time ________________________________...
Curiosity Roving : V.12 : Home Free
April 19, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.12 : Home Free in which we encounter disruptive elements ___________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.11 : Safety Third
March 18, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.11 : Safety Third in which we explore dangerous liaisons _____________________________ Greetings...
Curiosity Roving : V.10 : Omward Bound
February 19, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.10 : Omward Bound in which we spiral back to the source _____________________________ Greetings and...
Curiosity Roving : V.9 : Mi Barrio Loco
January 18, 2020
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.9 : Mi Barrio Loco in which the bliss detective probes a mystery _________________________________...
Curiosity Roving : V.8 : Margaritaville
December 21, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.8 : Margaritaville in which we go south of the border ________________________________ Greetings...
Curiosity Roving V.7 : Gilded Rollercoaster
November 23, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of L Rose Goossen V.7 : Gilded Rollercoaster in which I lay down the 101 on the 415...
Curiosity Roving : V.6 : California Dreaming
October 15, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.6 : California Dreaming in which our hero goes for the gold ______________________________________...
Curiosity Roving : V.5 : Through the Fires
September 18, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.5 : Through the Fires in which the protagonist is dusty, dirty, and decadent...
Curiosity Roving : V.4 : Pines and Needles
August 16, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.4 : Pines and Needles in which we savour the flavour of the Pacific Northwest...
Curiosity Roving : V.3 : Skies and Sounds
July 19, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.3 : Skies and Sounds in which our hero makes the most of the best of the prairies...
Curiosity Roving : V.2 : Plainly Explained
June 20, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.2 : Plainly Explained in which our hero crosses an ocean and descends upon the flatlands...
Curiosity Roving : V1 : Endings Start
May 19, 2019
Curiosity Roving The Grand Adventures of Rose Goossen V.1 : Endings Start in which the protagonist sets the stage and her intentions...