Craft By Zen Newsletter
On Obituaries
September 22, 2015
Dear Reader, I'm late again. I'm realizing I'm better at writing on the train to and from work; something about my creative mind flowing better. I had a bit...
The Inner Game of Desert Running
September 16, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, Yes, it's Wednesday. I wasn't able to make my Monday deadline, and I finished this letter...
Reacting vs. Responding
August 30, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?Dear Reader, Next week I will not release a "Jear-Bear Letter" essay because I'm on vacation! I know, I...
On Passing The Torch
August 23, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, I had every intention to finish my writing last Monday evening, but my parents made plans...
Journal of Self-Evaluation
August 10, 2015
Dear Readers, I had a few false starts with drafts. I wanted to talk about the pleasures of geeking out, about racial integration, about xenophobia, about...
On Collections
August 3, 2015
Hello Dear Reader, I hate this feeling. I wrote half an essay, yet I really want to get my essay out there. I wanted to add mixed media, i.e. photos and...
On Perceived Difficulty
July 27, 2015
Dear Reader, Congratulations to Simon for being the first winner of the monthly book giveaway! I really like this idea of slowly giving parts of my bookshelf...
On Fireflies
July 20, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Hello Dear Reader, I had a draft of this letter a few weeks ago at the beginning of summer, but it...
Past Writer, Present Writer
July 7, 2015
Dear Reader, In anticipation of increased readership, I've decided to clear some space on my ever-expanding bookshelf. Each month, I'm going to pick, at...
On Burnout
July 5, 2015
On Burnout I've been experiencing heavy burnout over the past few weeks. I didn't spare myself much time besides work, scheduled play, travel, and sleep....
Reflections on the Buffet
June 22, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, This letter comes to you late. I typed it up as quickly as I could, trying to bust this one...
On Fireflies
June 14, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, I'm keeping it short this week. Something bittersweet to stay away from talking more about...
On Found Purpose
June 8, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, Even with a very busy schedule last week, I've found enough time to scrap together a piece...
On Frustration
May 31, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, Sorry about the interruption last week. Perhaps having no email last week was a reminder...
The Friend-Date
May 17, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Hello Dear Reader, It's been a busy week, and I really just wanted to draw something. Instead of the...
On Being True to Yourself
May 9, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"? Dear Reader, This essay came about because I really felt I had to talk about this. It's been bugging me...
On Mind Wandering
May 3, 2015
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?On Mind Wandering Kids and Boredom The other day, during dinner with my friend Jon, we were discussing...
On Endings and Beginnings
April 27, 2015
Dear Reader, I almost didn't make it. I had this draft finished on Saturday, but didn't revise it yesterday. It's still not in a "complete" form as I would...
On Cryptography
April 19, 2015
Dear Reader, As I'm in a hotel room with my two friends, one of whom is recovering from surgery, I have been typing out this lengthy letter. It's about...
On Schedules
April 12, 2015
Hi everyone, No essay this week. I know, bummer. Sometimes life gets the best of you. Instead, I present two essays that I absolutely love and having been...
On Weight
April 5, 2015
Hi Dear Reader, I present the first part in what I hope will be a three-part series. This one is about weight. The next one will be about food. And the last...
On Names
March 29, 2015
Dear Reader, Here's a rather short essay. It came from a larger essay I started writing, but realized the focus was too large. Sometimes we have to narrow...
On An Open Dialogue
March 22, 2015
Hello Dear Reader, A few links for you to check out. 30 Species. 30 Pieces. 1 Fragmented Survival. Created with CSS polygons. Absolutely gorgeous interactive...
On The Power of Letters
March 15, 2015
Hello Dear Reader, Two piece of writing you should read this week. Someone last week asked me how I was able to juggle many projects. It's been a common...
On Rejection
March 8, 2015
Hello Dear Reader, I'm pretty beat this weekend. I barely finished this week's essay. I was debating whether or not to add a last section to tie it all up,...
On Caltrain Suicides
March 1, 2015
Dear Reader, Hello. Welcome to March. Today, I'm writing about Caltrain suicides. Caltrain is our train service here on the peninsula of the Bay Area. To...
On Enough
February 23, 2015
Hi everyone, Today's a quick letter. It's two poems I hastily wrote in hopes that I might make a point across. One is about someone who sees things in...
On Getting Past "No"
February 12, 2015
Dear reader, Hope everyone's President's Day is going well! I want to give a huge shoutout to @helin_s for helping edit this week's piece. If you or someone...
On Book Recommendations & Funerals
February 8, 2015
Hi everyone, I have a double feature today. The first essay is a list of books that I've been influenced by. The second essay is a short piece on my recent...
On The Stranger
January 31, 2015
Hello all you lovely people, This week's letter is one I've been trying to write for some time because this person means the world to me, even though we only...
On Cats
January 19, 2015
Good Monday to everyone, I'm releasing this on Mondays now. Welcome to this new time change. We will continue these letters every Monday like this from now...
On The Criteria of Friendship
January 10, 2015
Before today's essay, I have a few updates. I wrote a blog post last week about getting my job. If you have experience with seminar speaking, I have a few...
On Anxieties, Depression, And Suicide Prevention
January 4, 2015
Hi everyone. This is a different format than what you may be used to. I wrote this to one specific friend in mind, but intended it to be read by everyone....
On A Year of EPs
December 29, 2014
On A Year of EPs Lessons taken from Nerina Pallot’s Year of EPs For every month of 2014, Nerina Pallot has released an EP. Each EP contains five new songs....
A Year In Review
December 26, 2014
A Year In Review: 2014 I used to do “A Year in Review" back at my old blog. The last one I posted was back in 2011, and it was more of a chore than anything...
On Rain
December 19, 2014
This week, I've decided to do something different. I'm writing about stories tied in by the common theme of the rain. A note, I've started posting these...
On Exposing Ignorance
December 12, 2014
On Exposing Ignorance At a former job, I was faced with a dilemma on a project I was leading; I didn’t know what I was doing. I felt like an imposter and...
On Discomfort
December 3, 2014
When I pick up a new piece of music, I break it down into sizable chunks. What kind of structure does it have and can I break it down into something simple...
On Thankfulness
November 29, 2014
Welcome to the first Jer Bear Letter. My aim is to write something meaningful every week which may vary in length. I love story-telling and love to share. I...