2016 Retrospective
Dear Reader,
Here's an in-between season for the Jear-Bear Letters. I share my obligatory 2016 retrospective.
Happy New Years!
2016 Retrospective
I left 2015 with optimism. I leave 2016 with mixed feelings. I slowed down my steam for writing. I ramped up with watching classic and contemporary films. We lost some world-changing people. Of course, this is inevitable.
To free me from the past, I must recognize the ups and downs of the year. Hence, the retrospective list.
Obligatory List
- I ran my second marathon in San Francisco. Under 6 hours.
- Revisited Thailand and Mexico. First-time to the UK.
- I wrote 12 letters, far less than the previous year.
- I meditated for 60 non-consecutive days. I stopped after traveling to Thailand.
- I read 26 books, or one every 2 weeks
- I participated in 4 hackathons - two corporate sponsored, the other two more hack for the sake of hacking. That’s how I’d have it. One continues to be a small project about the Zika Virus
- I am working on another side project that will not be named at this current time, but has been taking a lot of time
- Beginning of the year, I finished a course on The History of Classical Music, up to the beginning of the 20th Century.
- The rest of the year was spent learning the history of film. Kicked off by watching the 15 hour documentary, “The Story of Film”. Final tally: 129 films. This has been the highest the past decade. Large contrast to last year being the lowest in a decade.
- Continued to go to talks, topics ranging from Time Travel 101 to Gut Bacteria
- Add North and South Carolina to list of states visited. Total Count: 33.
- I started a papers reading club at work, inspired by “Papers We Love”
- Along with many, I helped raise over $1,000 for charity:water this holiday season
- Sent over 120 holiday cards
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