Coté Memo #045: Double up to catch up. You have to spend money to make money. When you see this cup empty, just refill it w/o asking. QED.
Hello again, welcome to #045. When we hit #050, let's all have an extra drink - I know I will! Today we have 52 subscribers, so we're +1. Good job, subscribers! I'd love to hear what you like, dislike, your feedback, etc.: (If you're reading this on the web, you should subscribe to get the daily email.)
See past newsletters in the archives, and, as always, see things as they come at and @cote.
SOON! If you've been waiting to get more than $200 off, it's now $400! Come check out cloud hijinks at 451's HCTS conference Oct 6th and 8th. I'll be speaking there on developer relations and marketing. Use the code
to get $400 off when registering. Only one person has taken advantage of this snazzy code, so: come on, sign up! -
Come hear me yammer on about DevOps: I'll be in Toronto (Nov 18th) giving my DevOps and cloud talk with TechTarget
- Sorry to have missed yesterday. Things be busy around here. It should even out next week, but then travel will start. I just got requests for two more trips today, for some fun consulting around DevOps, so that'll be nice.
Quick Hits
Cloud? We prefer, er, reselling tech, say tech resellers - the role of "the channel" (resellers, VARs, SIs, etc.) in cloud is always murky. Tracking if that part of the tech industry changes (and how) is good input for how "real" cloud is ongoing. If they're still needed, making money hand over fist, then cloud is more of a "simple" platform shift (like going from Unix->[Windows|Linix], Blackberry->[iPhone|Android]) than a revolution in how IT is done. That could be awesome or terrible depending on which stick figure your are in the value chain.
IT crisis looming: 'What if AWS goes pop, runs out of cash?' - just in case you want to do some 10th man thinking.
EMC, HP in blockbuster Borg: Heady potential or TOTAL CATASTROPHE? - can't get enough of this meme.
40% of BlackBerry users currently carry a second phone.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) September 25, 2014 -
Rackspace Launches Managed OpenStack Private Cloud to Deliver Industry Leading Guarantee and DevOps Services - it's a press release, I know. I like these services that Rackspace is coming out with, it's an interesting approach to selling value above "raw"/cheap cloud. Also, check out my cameo.
Worldwide Integrated Infrastructure and Platforms Revenue Increased 33.8% Year Over Year to $2.4 Billion in the Second Quarter of 2014, According to IDC - so what is that, a $9.6bn run rate? Not too bad for "converged." They peg VCE, the Cadillac of servers at a run rate of $1.3bn. The cables are really well organized, I hear. As you may recall, I'm getting interested in the idea of "converged cloud," specifically for OpenStack, and these are the hardware markets it'd likely converge with (and storage array people).
The CMDB, it's still a thing - a brief 451 report goes over some recent survey work on CMDB usage. There's a lot to like in this chart, check out the rise of ServiceNow and, even more integrating, that Spiceworks pops up. Once day the DevOps crew will come up with a new name for CMDB and it'll be fun. The IT Skeptic will shit righteous bricks over it which I dig through like with glee for any haruspex to be had.
Tech & Work World
This Week's Software Defined Talk episode is awesome, I just need to publish it.
As they used to say: <eom>
Fun & IRL
Kanye and Kim look like they're about to film the most badass Dune sequel EVER
— Ben Kuchera (@BenKuchera) September 25, 2014
Dune reference always wins.