New Issue of Historiography Is Available Now
We are pleased to announce publication of the newest issue of the online journal Historiography in Mass Communication.
You can access the issue at You may either read it online or download a pdf. It does not require a subscription — it is free!
Here’s list of the contents:
- From the Editor: Wm. David Sloan and James D. Startt, “The Personal Element”
- Erin K. Coyle, “Weaving a Broader Tapestry”
- Roundtable: “How Faith Informs the Work of a Journalism and Mass Communication Historian” — Bruce Evensen, John Ferré, Christina Littlefield, and Julie Williams
- Historian Interview: Brooke Kroeger
- Book Award Interview: Jonathan Marshall, Clash: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis
- How Media History Matters: Wm. David Sloan, “The Media and Public Opinion“
- News & Notes
Please feel free to share the link to the journal with your colleagues and students.
David Sloan
Editor, Historiography in Mass Communication
Professor Emeritus, University of Alabama
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