CfP VIEW Journal: Creative Dialogues with Broadcast Archives
With and Against the Grain: New Creative Dialogues with Broadcast Archives
Special Issue of VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture
Editors: Bas Agterbeg, Lisa Kerrigan, Dana Mustata and Alistair Scott
Deadline for submission of proposals: 29 November 2024
The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives FIAT/IFTA together with_ VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture_ invites submissions for a special issue titled “With and Against the Grain: New Creative Dialogues with Broadcast Archives.”
The issue explores creative ways in which media scholars, archivists and practitioners can expand on the possibilities that broadcast archives hold for historical knowledge production.
We invite contributions that focus on creative forms of television history writing carried out in dialogue with the archives, contributions that foreground meaningful experiments in/with the archives as well other imaginative forms of archive-based historical knowledge production. Such experimental and creative practices can be approached as modalities of knowing and mined for their potential to tap into unexplored possibilities that broadcast archives hold for historical knowledge, including for their potential to uncover marginalised historical narratives or address archival biases.
We are interested in - though not limited to - the following:
- practice-based historical research that is carried out in dialogue with broadcast archives.
- historical narratives that lend themselves to polyvocality and multivalence by shining a light on the multiple points of view in and outside the archive;
- contributions that address unexplored, obscured or marginalised knowledge by means of creative, imaginative and experimental engagements with broadcast archives;
- historiographical pieces that reflect on the dialogic relations between media scholars, archivists and the archival object in the production of historical knowledge;
- contributions that approach historical knowledge through the lens of vernacular archiving practices and discuss these in dialogue with institutionalised broadcast archives;
- creative writing historical pieces and artistic audiovisual essays that address biases, omissions, oversights and inequalities in the archives and in doing so, they produce historical knowledge that expands on, fills in the gaps or breaks open institutionalised archives’.
- Contributions can range from research articles, to audiovisual essays and other creative practice-led contributions in written and (audio)visual form.
We invite television and media scholars, archivists and media practitioners to contribute and send in a 500-word proposal by 29 November 2024.
Please read the full call for papers on the VIEW Journal website:
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture is an open access peer-reviewed journal that charges no article processing fees for authors.