Why we vision
Today in Landscapes
Dear reader
In just a few short hours (9am PST / 12pm EST) I will be hosting a visioning session in Landscapes, the twice a week writing group I facilitate. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-1pm EST with many other sessions throughout the month.
I took the last month off of hosting the group and have missed it tremendously. I wanted to talk today about why I do visioning sessions, why a writing group is important to me, and invite you to join us.
First I want to remind you that I made this guide on note taking tools and possibilities. It is totally free. Perhaps a writing group isn’t your speed but you know you want to dig into your research methods. Enjoy :)
In preparing for today’s visioning session (which is recorded if you can’t make it live) I reflected on the immense amount of work I got done after our visioning session in July, specifically finishing writing a whole ass book. Look About You was born in the rooms of Landscapes, cheered on by countless members, and witnessed by the group. I truly don’t think I could have channeled a book and written it that fast without the accountability and structure of a writing group.
If you want to actually finish something, this is where to land.
And while finishing isn’t the goal by any means, there is a sweetness to it. So many newsletters launched in the space, novels being tended to, reels being made.
launched their newsletter and shared on social media yesterday that it is a big reason they have been able to say so consistent with a newsletter.
worked on her new podcast and launched it into the world alongside and
There are so many amazing projects, classes, and idea that have been brought forth in this time. Plus this season we have guest classes from , , and . I mean… pinch me am I right?!
Brandi will continue hosting monthly BIPOC writing circles which have been a huge center of the practice of Landscapes.
We have at least one cave day a month where we write for our hours, and members can add their own co-working hours to host if they want! Caroline has been hosting “slump o clock” in the afternoons to get admin tasks done and has been hosting early morning hours.
We vision because we live in systems and worlds where the powers that be do not want us to dream. We do this as an act of resistance, as an act of resilience, as an act of creative spell casting. We journal and make lists and get clear on our values so that we may weave them into our precious work.
We come together to shape the group as a brave and safe space, one that we all feel like we have a place in.
We come together to not be so alone in the world, to form true community, to dream up the projects and books and writing we want to make in the world and give to the people. Because that is where service is rooted.
Landscapes is $55/mo with a lower priced tier and a pay it forward tier. There are also low and no cost spots if you need something more flexible. Many members have joined at one rate and had to switch to a free membership while they save up to return to a paid one. There are no questions asked. Everyone is welcome at Landscapes.
When you join you not only get access to amazing recorded sessions from last season, you get a whole host of freaks and queers and elders and writers and witches and angels who will be just delighted to cheer you on.
You do not have to do your work alone. Come vision with us.
PO Box 252 Cedar, MI 49621
Landscapes : A writing group for all genres