About this newsletter
Welcome to Monday Monday
No explanation needed: start reading now. -
I am so glad you are here and have decided to read along every week. Monday Monday is my favorite place to be each week, welcome! Monday Monday is one of the top Art and Illustration newsletters on Substack with over 22k readers
It is both the place that I come to write about art and is an art project itself
I’m Marlee Grace, a writer and artist who has been writing a digital newsletter since 2013, weekly since 2017. I made a digital class called NEWSLETTER CLASS and you can take it anytime and make your own.
I write here every week about creative practice, quilting, writing, paying attention, time, living in Michigan, being queer, and more
I wrote the book How To Not Always Be Working which has sold over 41k physical copies and 5k of e-books and audio books which came out in 2018 and Getting To Center : Pathways to Finding Yourself Within the Great Unknown in 2020
You can find more of my favorite books here
Paying subscribers receive my monthly advice column YES YES that includes answers to your questions about life and opportunities to interact with other readers, bonus things, and more. As soon as you become a paid subscriber you’ll have access to all paid content where you can find the google form to submit your questions.
The every Monday newsletter is free, although when you pay for it it’s a very nice thing. Writing this newsletter and hosting it as a community space for connection to my paid subscribers is a role I take seriously and put a lot of care into. Your participation financially means so much to me.
$0/Mo : Weekly Monday Newsletter
$5/Mo or $50/year : Monthly YES YES advice column and Friday Threads : a place for connection
Friday Thread Archive :
Marketing off social media
What shapes and creative containers can your offerings exist as?
Inspiring Art Stories
The Feeling of Finishing
The Darkest Days
The Hardest Part of Writing
$75/year Founding member price : Receive all of the above and a gift in the mail, and my endless gratitude for your support and many blessings
Each month an organization or mutual aid fund will receive a portion of total revenue - the Paying Attention To section of the newsletter will continue where I share links for you to discover and redistribute to yourself, podcasts to listen to, artist dates to treat yourself to, books to read, and more
Design of Monday Monday and Yes Yes graphics and lists were made in collaboration with Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo
Want support starting your own Substack? Book a 1:1 meeting with me and we will dream and vision your newsletter or podcast together! Book a session by email info@marleegrace.space
⌇⋰ Website
⌇⋰ Email : info@marleegrace.space
or respond to this email, I love to hear your thoughts
⌇⋰ PO Box 252 Cedar, MI 49621