Week Five : Recovering a Sense of Possibility
The Artist's Way Book Study
Dear Artists,
It’s week five! You’re doing it! The gift of possibilities! Little by little we come back to ourselves. Again and again. We take what we like and leave the rest. Of this book, this process, this whole experience of being human. I imagine as you receive this email you may not be on week five in the book itself - this is ok! It is my commitment to you that every week I will remind you that where you are is exactly where you need to be. You can push yourself and finish the tasks this week, or be easy and let them linger. You are an artist no matter which way you slice the cake.
This week we begin to see how limited we really are. The imagination that God has for us is beyond our wildest dreams, but we must be willing to clear the wreckage to receive the gifts. I love that we start thinking about God as the source for so much of our good fortune, rather than materials and people.