practicing for 17 minutes a day
Monday Monday is a free weekly newsletter. If you want to support this space and have access to my monthly advice column YES YES become a
paid subscriber
. Last week the third episode of
came out :
You can also share excerpts of today’s Monday Monday on social media, forward it to someone who might benefit, or text it to a friend. Thank you for reading.
As a devotee to consistency, habit, and ritual, I named my newsletter Monday Monday on purpose. So that I would have to send it out every Monday. That is the point. So when I don’t meet that commitment to self (and to thousands of readers) I have a few options
I can become extremely resentful towards myself for not protecting my time of writing and the pathways to the self and service
I can be nice to myself and write my newsletter on Tuesday morning
I can DELIGHT in the process of not writing on Monday and writing on Tuesday instead to continue being wholly committed to ANTI PERFECTIONISM
Monday Monday is a free weekly anti perfectionism publication
I have stayed curious and light about my 1111 words a day experiment. It has changed my relationship to time, protection of my work practice, and expanded the way I write. It has clarified why I write. Where the service in my writing exists to the self and others.
I wrote six days out of seven and I wrote 7046 words. I did not include morning pages, social media captions, or anything I wrote in my notes app in my phone. Only the things I opened in google docs.
I worked on my next book proposal, newsletter ideas, and my favorite of all : writing no project or outcome involved - a practice I resist. I resist the practice of practicing.
It takes me approximately 17 minutes to write 1111 words. SEVENTEEN MINUTES. I share this to bring us back to time. How I assume there is no way I can sit down to write, to be a capital W Writer unless I have infinite amounts of time and energy. That to open a page the muse has to have already struck.
Sometimes the inspiration never came, and I kept writing. Sometimes the writing felt terrible but I was practicing for the first time so I my self esteem was going up.
The writing of this current newsletter feels like trash, I write it anyways.
I wrote about :
⏳ Practical Magic and Recording
⏳ Resistance to practice
It continues to be so fascinating to me by resistance to practice
My resistance to habit
How difficult building habits is for me
⏳ What Jealousy teaches me
⏳ Lists of projects
⏳ Teaching values
⏳ Inherited money patterns
⏳ The difference between being a studio artist and a social practice artist and why I try to box myself into things I am not in literal boxes
⏳ What it was like the first day in my studio
I did the math and if I wrote 1111 words for 17 min a day for 365 days I would write 405,515 words in a year.
How to Not Always be Working is 12,000 words so that is 33 small books in a year to change my life while I write them and your life while you read them
For 17 minutes a day I could write 33 books in a year.
I don’t want to write books that are only 12k words and I also don’t want to give you 33 books a year that sounds like hell. But I continue to unravel what time looks like and the illusion of not having enough of it. I almost don’t have to shift anything else in my daily activities, I just have to find 17 minutes.
When I am really digging into my writing and channeling and editing and changing things around it takes me much longer. But it helps to break it down as simply as possible.
Time protection shows me no one is powerful enough to interrupt me. It gives me clarity on where I give my power away.
Whoever and whatever I give my power to I let them play god.
The first place I give this power to is my partner and whatever she is doing with HER time
Then to any single person who has a thought or comment on my life
Texts, emails, calls
Comparing myself to other people
My phone
These are all extremely shitty higher powers. I have evidence that my own version of the Spirit of Universe takes care of my problems if I pay attention and show up. I heard the other day : I don’t have problems I just have shit to do, god takes the problems and I do the next right thing.
Writing is how I show up to the shit I have to do, time protection is how I access it, clouds, waves, and fields take care of the rest and I take care of them. An infinite resource to be honored and to be fueled by, an endless beginning, an honor to be called into the work.
P.S : You can join the 1111 Words a Day experiment anytime in November, it’s worth it just for the generous and inspiring digital community forum you could write 0 words - plus we are co-working this Thursday 11/11 - this experiment is free to join!
This course is $43, the replay will be available after, and there are closed captions live and during the recording
🧩 Some of you already HAVE email lists and feel stuck on what to write, what to say, or how to talk about your work.
🧩 A handful of you have been sending out a newsletter but are looking for more dynamic containers to include in these digital communication portals.
🧩 Many of you don't know if you want to use Mailchimp, Flodesk, Substack, or Patreon
Accepting That You'll Never Finish Your To-Do List Might Help You Get the Important Stuff Done : we are all going to die and more with Oliver Burkeman
Ellen Rutt’s solo show Both/And opening in Detroit on November 19th 6-8pm at Louis / Buhl and Co. exhibiting through January 6 2022
Li Migliorelli (Sister Spinster) 2022 Herbal Mystery School
Gaza Collective Mutual Aid Fund
Moments Co-Op Online shop is Open! Curated books by BIPOC authors
Me and John on the Boston Globe’s Love Letters podcast talking about the intricacies of marriage, divorce, polyamory, and the intricacies of building new commitments
Nobody can replace anybody else
So, it would be a shame to make it a competition
And no love is like any other love
So, it would be insane to make a comparison with you
Many Blessings
A portion of paid subscriptions this month goes to Souls Grown Deep.
⌇⋰ email : info@marleegrace.space or respond to this email