The Practical Magic of Recording
1111 words every day for 30 days
Monday Monday is a free weekly newsletter. If you want to support this space and have access to my monthly advice column YES YES become a
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. Yesterday the third episode of
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You can also share excerpts of today’s Monday Monday on social media, forward it to someone who might benefit, or text it to a friend. Thank you for reading.
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I have found that in seasons of stepping into my power there comes a forgetting of self, and a remembering of practice. This is always preceded by an inner darkness clouded in the fear of being forgotten, unqualified for my job, and an endless amount of grasping for anything outside of myself.
My willingness to record this experience is what keeps me steady, what keeps me knowing it is temporary, and turns the experience into an act of service.
Reporting keeps me with the people, keeps me in service, keeps me in wholeness, keeps me coming back to the cycle
Every year since 1988 I have watched the iconic film Practical Magic starring Sandra Bullock as Sally and Nicole Kidman as Gillian, with a beautiful early performance from gay icon Evan Rachel Wood, Stockard Channing as Aunt Frances in one of her greatest roles since Rizzo, and Dianne Wiest as the subtly sharp but kind Aunt Jet.
I have projected this film at a dance camp in rural New York, convinced dozens of sleepover parties it was very important we have a viewing, and into my adulthood I have continued to annually watch and weep hysterically at three parts. When Sally runs towards Michael and jumps into his arms as Faith Hill’s This Kiss plays at full volume, when Sally asks the aunts to bring him back, and when Sally lays on the ground begging Gillian not to die on either side of a circle of broomsticks created by all of their neighbors, who have shown up with a willingness only the ordinary witch could do.
As soon as it begins, the rope breaks. We see how devastating love is. That heartbreak feels like dying, feels like one hundred deaths. That never loving at all is worth avoiding this feeling, for centuries. That breaking a spell takes generations, unimaginable loss, forgiveness of the self, and the gathering of our people to cast out what keeps us trapped.
Sally has watched spells and witchcraft kill everyone she loved, taking on the commitment to never practice magic. We don’t witness a shift in the consciousness of this ancestral pain until Sally becomes willing to use her power, first out of fear, and soon out of the need to save her sister. Knowing that the pain of losing her could very well kill her too.
The greenhouse in the Aunt’s house, Sally’s shop in town, and her involvement in a PTA that basically hates her, are the places Sally goes to record, to see her people, to run into her neighbors and community. Even in the discomfort of these connections, there is a connectedness that in the time of greatest need they all show up to the task of saving Gillian (who is big gemini energy, big tornado person energy, and since Nicole Kidman is a gemini this makes sense to me)
Ways of recording :
Writing morning pages
Painting, Quilting, Knitting, Drawing - tactile creative practice
Writing a newsletter
Dancing + performance
Writing a zine, a book
Creating a podcast, youtube channel
Community Radio and Tv Stations
Make a documentary
Keeping a list making notebook
Going to a coffee shop to speak out loud to the person in line behind you
Notes app on your phone
Text to a friend
Social media caption
Integrating the research, taking the time to retreat and let it move through you (think Sally in the garden), and showing up to the work of bearing witness to yourself is spell casting. It is a way of breaking through ancestral trauma, breaking the spells of those who came before you. And being of maximum service to those who don’t yet have the words to enter the the creek they want to cross.
Art making as recording, words as recording, movement as recording. Keeping close to my practices of recording keeps me just above the surface of drowning. Keeps me in even the most exhausted tread of water. Because I know it’s never for nothing. It’s always for the people. It’s always to bring the people into the circle of protection. We may record alone but we absolutely do not do this work alone. The work of complete transformation, collective shapeshifting, bringing to light what has been in the dark.
Blessed Samhain
Blessed Dark Moon
May your findings not be in vain but in a soft effort to raise us all to a higher level of a passionate orientation toward life.
Listen. I made up this free thing for us to do together. By made up I mean the idea to write 1111 words a day for 30 days spilled out of my little hand yesterday morning in my morning pages and I said YES and you are invited! Click here to access Headquarters for co-working, community forum portal, clubhouse. It’s literally free I figured there is no possible way I could do it by myself so HERE WE GO! Pretty sure people do this for novels and if you want to write a novel GREAT! I will be working on non fiction for newsletter, zine, book, pdf, and teaching formats!
For reference : today’s newsletter from top to bottom is 1254 words
Precious Leader Woman : I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet but Jackie watched in the other night and emerged BEAMING and beyond inspired1 Hailing from the remote village of Alert Bay, British Columbia snowboarder Spencer O’Brien dedicated her life to becoming a world champion. But, being driven to win came at a cost. Snowboarding at the elite level was taking Spencer further from her Indigenous heritage than she realized. Precious Leader Woman tells Spencer’s story from childhood to the world stage, to coming full circle to embrace her identity as she pushes forward bringing her heart and soul to her next challenge, the backcountry.
Annika Hanseteen-Izora’s book Tenderness: An Honoring of My Black Queer Joy and Rage is now available for pre-order - so looking forward to this
That’s a wrap on the October session of A Quilt is Something Human and I simply cannot get over how it feels to look at everyone’s creations in Week Four’s FAMOUS SHOW AND TELL! This is what me and star student Emily Boykin looked like every time someone held up their quilt.
Change by Big Thief (if you want to cry)
By Eve L. Ewing
Meredith Anne White’s FUCK YOUR BINARY SYSTEM Quilt Raffle
Chelsea Iris Granger for the ELEVENTH year brings us her iconic Moon Calendars in collaboration with Brittany Nickerson
Lesbians are Miracles Magazine is seeking submissions for their NOSTALGIA isssue
This note I found in my phone
Many Blessings
A portion of paid subscriptions this month goes to Souls Grown Deep.
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