My dearest readers I have great news : I’ve given up! About a week ago I started giving up and it is the most free and surrendered I’ve felt in years. Trying was so exhausting. Initiating was killing me softly. Giving up has made everything much easier.
You may fear that giving up means not caring but I assure you it is the container for the most generosity and care that you can have inside you. Giving up is the key to the door of your dreams! To look outside is to dream but to give up is to awaken.
Surrendering, turning it over, dropping the rock, letting go of the rope, loosening your grip, loving with an open palm - these are all the gentle ways to say - just give up! I promise to not give up on living but I will give up what wipes me out and takes me to the edge of despair. Giving up has given me more time and energy to turn toward the things that do fill me up, rather than what doesn't.