When shall the light find my eyes?
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I am she whose wedding is great, and I have not taken a husband.
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
Sunday as the sun set we sprawled out on a rock and read The Thunder, Perfect Mind out loud to each other, a divinely channeled poem, discovered among the gnostic manuscripts at Nag Hammadi.
What a holy day of resurrection, in my own thirty third year of life, in the sweet desert that used to be my home - emerging from the tomb, witnessed on high. What a gift that Mary Magdalene was willing to see, willing to let the light come into her.
I am on a road trip with Jade, sprinkled in to my two weeks of days off from teaching, zoom meetings, co-working, and commitments. As we found ourselves in the dry air surrounded by other gender expansive wizards I felt the profound remembrance that the only way is through. That time doesn’t really heal but it does pass, it does bring us inevitably to what is next. I thought of this moment in Hour of the Wolf
When shall the light find my eyes? Where does the time go? How do we get to where we are going next?
The grief of having stayed too long lingers as I hook into my phone’s hotspot in the truck on the way to Oklahoma. The acceptance of having stayed for just enough time to learn a lesson so painful that to do it again would be the greatest form of self abandonment I could muster.
And so three months after the big fall apart, like the three days in the tomb, like the thirty three years of this life I find myself in a new yes.
The new yes says, you can stay in this unknown. The yard swan will be there when you get back. Keep this short so your eyes get back to the tumbleweeds, the ways Jade’s cargo pocket touches the phone cord, the way the bond of queer platonic love is always the net that catches us.
As Ingmar Bergman says - this is the hour of the wolf, before midnight and dawn, when ghosts hold sway.
Patrick Lyoya, father, friend, and community member, was murdered by Grand Rapids Police on the morning of April 4 and here are a few things you can do today to honor his life
Over 200k letters have been sent via this website to demand justice - plz note there are graphic details in the description
Gofund me to help his family with funeral costs
Legacy Russel’s On Footnotes
Kevin Morby’s Substack + New music video with Chantal Anderson
Pre Order ‘Diasporic Threads: Black Women, Fibre & Textiles’ from Common Threads Press by Dr. Sharbreon Plummer
Happy Nine Years to Holly
Stayed at the beautiful Unashay Home in An Accessible Sanctuary for Grievers is being born in the high desert of Northern New Mexico - GOFUND ME
Anna Fusco brings us uncensored writing
QUEER MALL : Save the date LA! May 7
9. Dancers protest unfair labor practices outside of the Star Garden strip club
10. Join me in donating to the Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund
The Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund is a project to bail out those most in need and those who put themselves at risk fighting for our collective freedom
xo mar
A portion of April’s paid subscriptions goes towards Transgender Education Network of Texas
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