My favorite place to be! A clubhouse for tornado people looking to use their time in a new way. 8-10am PST / 11-1pm EST we meet for two hours twice a week to vision our goals, projects, admin tasks, creative work, and anything else that we are longing to carve out TIME for. There is a Discord server for connection, collaborative resource library, and so much more!
We kickoff with a visioning session on Tuesday April 2 (this will be recorded) and imho is worth the price of admission! We’ll set easy goals and hard goals and little hopes and dreams for our season together ad beyond
“I always forget how important the empty days are, how important it may be sometimes not to expect to produce anything, even a few lines in a journal. A day when one has not pushed oneself to the limit seems a damaged, damaging day, a sinful day. Not so! The most valuable thing one can do for the psyche, occasionally, is to let it rest, wander, live in the changing light of a room.”
May Sarton, Journal of a Solitude
Hello dear reader thank you for tuning in to another week of Monday Monday on a Saturday. Your attention in this space means so much to me, and I write to you on the weekend to tell you I’d love to see you outside of the newsletter space and in the Zoom room for Flexible Office this season, a spacious container of empty hours and big dreams. Where we let ourselves do very little or a lot.
Flexible Office has always been sliding scale and NOTAFLOF which includes this season. If you need a discounted rate please respond to this email or email
I started Flexible Office in the dead of winter in early 2022, full of heartbreak and a desire to become more dedicated to my work. It was selfish in many ways, I needed the people to buoy me through and it seemed the people needed the container to root down deeper into their work.
I long for empty days with nothing to do, but almost need a structure to be empty in. Sometimes I plan nothing for myself for Flexible Office, just to let my mind wander in the company of others. To sit and pour over old emails that need archiving or responding to. To tend to my writing practice, quilting practice, practice practice.
I long for busy days with too much to do. I start to use Flexible Office to plan my next big class, my next small class, whatever it may be that wants to pour out of me. I build my syllabus, work on grad school, find ways to tether toward the dedication of deep study.
No matter what way you use Flexible Office it is here to bring you deeper into the fold of your aliveness, with the endless cheerleading of others!
I made a mini Common Shapes episode if you want to listen to me talk about Flexible Office and my name change
You can share this social media post to invite others to Flexible Office :)
Join me for FREE co-working tomorrow Sunday March 31 9am PST / 12pm EST on Zoom for one hour
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