Not looking away
The discomfort of the in between
In December I taught a class and it was my most successful course I’ve ever taught. I measured success by how many people signed up, how much I got to pay my guest teachers, the enthusiastic response and feedback from students, my own inspiration levels sparked, paying myself, paying off debt, and doing it all without using Instagram. I work best in these big seasonal spurts, but the crash afterwards can disorient me.
I was able to pay three months of my mortgage ahead of time and save up to remodel my bathroom, as well as take time off from teaching while I focus on grad school. I’ve never given myself this type of flexibility and break in my job, especially to move towards learning and dedication to my own art practice.
The thing is, grad school doesn’t start for another two weeks and I don’t do well in the in between. I don’t do well with the down time I worked so hard to give myself. I suddenly don’t remember how to open a book or watch a movie in the afternoon. Everything I had built around rest while I was working seems to have disappeared and I have a few hunches as to why.