I have given myself Saturdays as my day to do exactly what I want. While I do believe in days off what I really believe in is days where I am burdened to no one. No plans, no meetings, no commitments. I need commitment free days. It took me years to know how many a week I needed, and how much this shifts given the season or the place I am or my personal capacity.
Saturdays and Wednesdays are my current no commitment days. I find I usually go on longer hikes with June on these days, work on my own writing, stretch, watch Love Island, look at books, etc. My relationship to work/earning is always in flux so the idea of having “time off” has never really resonated with me in the way I believe it does for many. I have accepted this as part of who I am and don’t try to fit in a box of “time off / clocked in” and that is a gift and a privilege as well as something I have put a lot of time and effort into understanding about myself.
Tomorrow I am teaching Organizing A Day where I will talk more about this. This 2.5 hour class is less a “class” and more a - use this time to get unstuck - together. I find the live container of the zoom is an amazing portal for moving through avoidance and into spaciousness.