For the last few months I have been working on a book of 366 daily prayers. I started this project by serializing it over on a separate newsletter called . At first I was writing very long essay like prayers and found I needed to pivot toward short channeled benedictions. Today I want to tell you the story of how writing it has gone, how it’s unfolding, and announce that it comes out this November 2024!
Writing a book is a wild task. This is the fifth book I have made, the third I have self published, and the second longest. At over 20k words it is an effort in devotion, discipline, and endless hope. It is a book with a prayer for every day of the year that is rooted in shared visions of collective liberation, connecting to god as a form of self care, and the idea that having a daily prayer practice will make us better stewards of the Earth, more generous to our fellows, and of greater service.
Edited by and designed by it is my pleasure to give you the cover as well as a link to PRE ORDER! Order by 11/12 to receive 11/19 :)
When I first started writing the book I called it Ordinary Practice. I am working on another book about practice and it just felt like … too much practice. I also have Personal Practice as a project and book so I turned to the readers of the serialized newsletter and suggested Look About You - which comes from Michigan’s beautiful state motto : If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you
I also believe that in order to find god you must seek it. You must go on a journey to find your own relationship to spirit and create a pathway toward prayer. I am not affiliated with any organized religion, I do not capitalize the G in god, and I think that god is a genderless essence of the world.
In the book I use many different words for god : spirit, spirit of the universe, great creator, higher power, and more. I think that if you have an aversion to the word god this book might not be for you. But if you are open to expanding the word to mean clouds, lakes, oceans, and blades of grass you might find great benefit in this small object.
Coming in at 4in by 6in it is meant to be thrown in your cross body fanny pack, read alongside your favorite 12 step daily reader, or stacked on top of Melody Beattie’s The Language of Letting Go. It is meant to be taken with a flower essence, tossed across the room when it’s too real, and underlined and dog eared and highlighted.
I have written many mornings at 5:30am, written it during cave days in Landscapes (the writing group I facilitate), and got very stuck on the month of July. After passing the half way mark of the book I got caught in the story that “I was only half way” instead of letting myself continue to flow. The story that I will always be stuck and not be able to finish stopped me in my tracks, but the thing about writing is you must type (or record a voice note and have it transcribed). Any way you cut the cookie you must say or type the prayer that needs to be told.
I write best when I am not trying to fight my cycle.1 Day 11-19 I am in my flow, the prayers pour out of me, and I am able to channel. When I push too hard in my luteal phase (the phase before I bleed) I become stuck and nothing wants to pour out of me. When I use that time to do more admin tasks, organizing projects, or editing I am much more equipped to face the work.
We now enter the editing phase, the revision process, the reading the whole thing out loud to myself to find where the language is mucky or uneven. I look forward to having many eyes on the prayers : Jacqueline as editor, my grad school professor, and my fellow classmates. I look forward to revisiting entries I wrote months ago, finding the right order for things, and ushering the words into the world.
I received the assignment to write this book many years ago, and I am grateful that I took up the task during this season of my life. It reads like an acid trip to heaven, a vision quest in the desert, or a sweet long winter in Northern Michigan at the wood stove.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading along at and all my friends who told me to keep going when I didn’t think I had another prayer in me.
Finding over three hundred ways to connect with god has brought me closer to my own versions of the fourth dimension. I’ve been catapulted!
With any book, especially one that is self published, the most generous thing you can do is share this news! Share the social media post in your stories, forward this email to a friend, text a loved one with excitement, hit like on this newsletter post. Everything helps spread the word and it means the world!
PO Box 252 Cedar, MI 49621
Landscapes : A writing group for all genres
Not all people who bleed, give birth, need abortions, or anything to do with reproductive health and rights are women. All bodies can bleed. Trans and non binary people bleed. Just a little exhausted lately seeing so much language around “women’s rights” and the divine feminine of bleeding. Guys bleed too! Ok bleeding rant over.