When me and were creating the design for Look About You we had a really hard time deciding between the cream with purple writing or the fully purple cover. In the end we went with the cream but I just loved the purple version so much that I decided to print a special edition of thirty five - just in time to ship them to you for all your holiday stocking stuffer needs. So today I present to you :
Dear reader,
I am feeling filled with ideas but have almost too many, worried I don’t have enough containers to put them in or enough people for the containers. I dream about my roadside stand, I dream about an analog newsletter idea, I dream about teleporting everyone from Landscapes and Writing the Personal into a big barn where we all gather in person and can spread out our markers and paper and pens and dream up all the things we are going to write about together.
I am on deadline for my next book and it feels a bit daunting, like I need to lock myself away for the next month and not talk to anyone or work on anything else until it is finished. I will find my own version of this up on the hill in the woods by the meadow.
I had perhaps the most thrilling experience yet of my spending ban and today I will tell you the story. I have really wanted to get into XC skiing as an activity. I know that Play It Again Sports has some for cheap so I considered going but I knew I needed to not break the ban, or at least wait for my spending ban reevaluation date (December 31). I don’t use any social media so I no longer have an easy way to shout out to the masses. So I texted a few of my favorite people and sure enough, Meg had a pair. So we met up and I got a free pair of skis AND boots in my size, but no poles.
I thought ok, spending $10 on second hand poles is worth it to have the whole set up. So I am en route to Play It Again Sports and then remember that the thrift store in Lake Leelanau might have some. I pop in and sure enough there is a set of poles, but way too tall. I turn around and there is my friend Lisa. I tell her of my debacle and she exclaims that she has poles in her garage up the road and I can just go and grab them! She is retiring from skiing because she doesn’t like being cold. I on the other hand love to be cold and long to adventure along the trails with my new hobby.
So I went over to Lisa’s, got the poles from the garage, and voila! I now have a full XC ski set up for free from my friends who were happy to rehome objects they were no longer using.
My spending ban continues to show me not only the ways I can consume less new products, but the ways I can lean on my beautiful friends and neighbors to get the things I need to live a vibrant life.
I look forward to continuing to see the surprises it brings into my world. There are so many hidden treasures just waiting to be found, waiting to be traded, waiting to be gifted. This spirit is bringing me back into myself and my core values. What a gift!
If you want to read more about my spending ban, check out last week’s post.
I am also curious if people are interested in having support with their own spending bans? I am considering sharing the spreadsheet tool for mine and perhaps leading some sort of workshop for paid subscribers to design your own spending fast / ban / no spend challenge. Just an idea! Feel free to let me know if you’re interested.
I am a huge Simone Weil head and could not be more excited to take class coming up in a few weeks about her. Check it out here - attend live or watch the recording.
My friend and novelist wrote this amazing workbook about the therapeutic importance of expressive writing. Packed with so many amazing prompts for when you are stuck - I highly recommend. I love its focus on “non toxic positivity”
Counting down the minutes til my copy of As Ever, Miriam by arrives in the mail! Grab a copy here if you’re into untold queer love stories from the archives. You can also check out Faith being interviewed by the iconic in her newsletter
This excerpt about The Mutual Aid Chart by Dean Spade
Need more context and support for your own spending ban? Consider weaving it in with your values with the Consumer Strike for Palestine through the end of the year.
The World Needs Your Next Quilt by Zak Foster is now available and it is so beautiful! My copy is already getting banged up floating around my studio.
One of the coolest late night performances I’ve seen
Even though I am on my own spending ban I loved gift guide all about quilts over at
Our girl has infiltrated the mainstream! really shined on this one
Emahoy was my top artist for the second year in a row. What can I say my brain is at its best when her piano sounds are filling it.
Book a 1:1 Creative Advising call
PO Box 252 Cedar, MI 49621
Landscapes : A writing group for all genres :
Meeting every M-F 5:30EST through Dec 20 and every Tue/Thu from 11-1EST