This week I logged out of Instagram forever. While I may be the boy who cried wolf with how often I have taken my breaks or deactivated or written about my mini departures, this was the first time I ever truly decided to leave. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
So many of you reached out with stories of your own departures or struggles with staying on. I’d love to have the above answered if you still use social media, and below if you’ve left or feedback from a break you took.
I have spent the last few days a bit disoriented and also brimming with new ideas flooding into my brain. My mind has been waiting for this much space so that god could gift me with the bright ideas I have been waiting for. I had to make room though, I had to make room.
Friday Threads are where we come together as a community to share ideas, visions, and resources.
Friday Thread Archive :
Money and Business Resources
How Do We Begin?
On Writing and Art, How our Practice Changes
Marketing as Creative Practice
What shapes and creative containers can your offerings exist as?
Inspiring Art Stories
The Feeling of Finishing
The Darkest Days
The Hardest Part of Writing
May this be a space where we feel safe and comfortable to share the hard truths around social media addiction. It can be so embarrassing! Frustrating! Tricky to navigate and talk about. Thats ok, in Friday Threads Club we show up as our full messy selves.