This week I devoured My Trade Is Mystery : Seven Meditations from a Life of Writing by Carl Phillips. It made me feel so devoted to my writing practice, so sure of my next book idea, so excited to keep bringing my work into the world. I felt my practice change just by listening to it.
“This is why I’ve always described a writing career as a lifelong apprenticeship to what can never be fully mastered, even as the artistic impulse is an impulse toward mastery - that is toward what only exists abstractly. In this way I’ve also compared writing to devotion or prayer, both of which require absolute commitment to what can’t be proven to exist” - Carl Phillips
I feel grateful that even in small moments away from consuming media in the algorithm of the social media apps, my attention grows and my attention expands
Friday Threads are where we come together as a community to share ideas, visions, and resources
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Marketing as Creative Practice
What shapes and creative containers can your offerings exist as?
Inspiring Art Stories
The Feeling of Finishing
The Darkest Days
The Hardest Part of Writing