Friday Thread : Becoming and Staying Radicalized
What books, podcast, documentaries, novels, movies keep your spirit alive with rage for movement forward?
What actions do you weave into your life towards mutual aid, a more just future, and dismantling systems of oppression?
At the risk of sounding like an idealistic liberal, I thought we could spend our time together this Friday just positively sharing what keeps us radical. What stories or histories inspire us to continue to show up in a way and take action or stay artists and freaks that have impacted you.
On my drive home yesterday I listened to most of the podcast Mother Country Radicals, hosted by the child of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn of The Weather Underground. Watching the documentary in college was definitely part of what made me a radical person.
The podcast feels inspiring not just for what they did, but their criticisms of themselves and what they didn’t do, what they got wrong, where they could have shown up differently for the struggle.
On my mind is : Where do I redistribute money to? How do I keep my attention intact? How does my teaching of quilting as a radical tradition only become more wild and free?
Other media impacting me this week :
writing on The medicine of stewarding has me thinking beyond land but towards the body - read
To watch this week : Serving Life about the hospice program at Angola Prison
I think of The Autobiography of Malcolm X that radicalized my dad
My friends who I spend time with who tell me these stories and so many more
Friday Thread Archive :
Social Media Addiction
Money and Business Resources
How Do We Begin?
On Writing and Art, How our Practice Changes
Marketing as Creative Practice
What shapes and creative containers can your offerings exist as?
Inspiring Art Stories
The Feeling of Finishing
The Darkest Days
The Hardest Part of Writing
P.S. - two spots opened up for Quilt Class on Saturdays that starts tomorrow - respond to this email if you’d like to take class!