I want to unlock my creativity in new ways
I want to nourish the consistency of my practice
There is a wasps nest being built at the backdoor and it seems sort of rude to tell them they have to go away
I still haven’t ordered the dirt for the garden beds yet as the delivery stretches my budget in a way I can’t afford right now, maybe I will buy some bags and fill the boxes one at a time
Money feels weird and uncomfortable to talk about right now
June and I did a new loop in the woods behind our house that our neighbors let us access. There was a creek but it seems to be dried up for the season
I decided to pivot Flexible Office and end it earlier than I originally intended to. Everyone supported this pivot which reminds me that staying true to myself shows other people how to stay true to themselves
It took me awhile to start today’s writing because I didn’t know what to write, I still don’t, I never do, I always do
My birthday is Friday and I’ll be 35, half way to Seventy
When you don’t nag the alcoholic all that is left is you, what a blessing
I love recording Common Shapes every week
The shadow of Mercury RX spits me out with many relationships feeling like they’ve shifted into new forms. This brings grief but also relief
I am working on acceptance and letting g*d do the heavy lifting
I want to invite you to The Artist’s Way Book Study starting Sunday June 18 for paid subscribers of the Monday Monday newsletter
We will use our Friday Threads space to share our reflections each week, and meet on zoom on the 6th and 12th week of the book study (these will be recorded if you can’t make it live)
There will also be a way to connect with other members to organize your own digital or real life clusters to go through the book together with more consistency if you desire
Going through this book with a group completely transforms my practice, and doing it with others is the only way I’ve ever been able to finish the book
So if you’re looking for a reason to dust off your copy, try your hand at morning pages, and take yourself on some fun artist dates : join us
A Woven Year: Art Show and Book Publication Kickstarter
A Woven Year is a daily weaving project by textile artist & educator Jessie Mordine which will culminate with her 1st solo show & book
Episode three and four of Common Shapes are out now. I talked about The Art of Newsletters which are the best tools I know to have as an artist and/or self employed person.
In Episode Three I share about our Art as Service, a lens I look through in my process of creation and sharing.
The Radically Chill World of Bonny Doon in Rolling Stone
And this new Bonny Doon song :)
Chicago friends : follow along with Queer Quilting for opportunities to be in community with the first person to ever teach me to quilt, Eliza Fernand
My little brother made a new album and this is my favorite song from it
This episode of The Active Voice with and was extremely inspiring
I watched Textile Talks - A Conversation with Artist Basil Kincaid
Solstice Series: “Writing with the rhythms of the earth” Part Deux - details about a new class on June 21 with
I got an amazing facial from Kelly at Little Beauty Kitchen and if you’re in the Northern Michigan area I highly recommend - I felt our ancestors working through us the whole time and felt a lot of relief for my TMJ
A portion of May’s paid subscriptions goes towards the Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project
⌇⋰ Website
⌇⋰ Email : info@marleegrace.space
⌇⋰ PO Box 252 Cedar, MI 49621
Friday Threads : Check out the most recent gathering of resources and support in Tending to our Self Esteem in the Studio and Beyond