🌎 CAT Newsletter #16 - 2020-04-14 🌏
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Gâday CATs!
April is here and Earth Day is fast approaching! @Heather Baden (https://climate-tech.slack.com/team/URD27PJV8) has put together this neat calendar (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rmr5BqKXVCCn5xs-gf9TMXEjde36lxzRyOwPFDHiY6c/edit?usp=sharing) for you all to see whatâs happening when. Feel free to get involved and join #d-earth-week (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CT3E44K6D) for more info.
BUT I also want to point out that itâs ok not to be productive and not to get involved. The times we live in sometimes just donât allow for enough mental capacity and energy to get stuck into all these things, and weâre aware of that. Donât beat yourself up about that. Take it as slowly as you need and take you breaks and the space you need.
Remember you can unsubscribe (|UNSUB|) from this newsletter at any time.
Have a great week!
ð Actions These are actions which support the CAT community or broader climate action initiatives. If you have an action you would like to add to a future newsletter, please submit it here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2HJxHXNdD-mhX8qT-DW3SjimEsk6rt9r8FVIq7eidd_6X0g/viewform) .
Short < 1 mins Help (https://twitter.com/jahyadotnet/status/1248614441337249802) get the word out on a Tech Salon series that will answer crucial questions and make important connections on COVID-19.
ð¼ Jobs & Opportunities
Front-end Developer - Saving the planet! (https://apply.workable.com/pawprint/j/BA6348C50C/) We are looking for an experienced, motivated front-end developer to join our development team. Pawprint is a start-up which aims to empower people to fight climate change. Weâre building an online eco companion to help people measure, understand, and reduce their carbon footprint. The service will be akin to a âStrava for carbon footprint reductionâ. Our mission is to help millions of people reduce their carbon footprint in a fun, social way. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586178357038500) to this conversation on Slack
Ecosia/Careers (https://jobs.lever.co/ecosia) Is hiring a lot of different positions in the company, mainly in Berlin (but if you’re willing to relocate here after this Covid-19 crisis, or are in our timezone remote, this is also fine!). If you’re interested or know someone who might be interested, please share with them and let me know! ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586185083040200) to this conversation on Slack
Front-end Developers (https://www.ho2pe.org/) Hope is a platform helping communities organize and grow. We tackle issues from climate change to local support systems. Sign up to learn about our Beta launch and communities around you. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586198890041100) to this conversation on Slack
Games Developer (http://concept.space/) Looking for a games developer with Unity experience to explore the possibility of creating a VR “3D concept internet index” (see http://concept.space) The idea is that you would put on your VR goggles and explore a 3d universe of ideas (created from Wikipedia content) and then if you found a “concept planet” of interest, you could then access concept-specific content. It’s basically to create the next generation of post-Google search index. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586273216047200) to this conversation on Slack
Node.js Developer/React Developer (https://github.com/johannesmutter/effectiveactions) Effective Actions is designed to be the trusted global source for best practices, tools, and resources regarding COVID-19. Our mission is to empower people to combat the impact and effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586335778049100) to this conversation on Slack
Front-end react/react-native developers (https://www.ho2pe.org/) Our team at HOPE is looking for front-end developers familiar with react/react-native to develop an interactive art piece for earthday. HOPE is developing an action-oriented community platform for climate, climate-justice, economic-hardship, COVID and others. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586198890041100) to this conversation on Slack
Python developer experienced with Dash (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586622749058100) AI for good simulator (modelling for coronavirus outbreak in refugee camp aiforgoodsimulator.com) is looking for a (python) developer who is good at Dash (a python library to build front-end visualisations) or someone who is good at building web visualisations from a Python back-end. ð¬Reply (https://climate-tech.slack.com/archives/CD5NYP079/p1586622749058100) to this conversation on Slack
ð° News Highlights
Households to be paid for daytime green electricity use during lockdown (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/apr/05/thousands-to-be-paid-for-daytime-green-electricity-use-during-lockdown) Fall in energy use combined with bright, breezy weather leads to lowest electricity prices in 10 years Thousands of British homes will be paid to use electricity during the day for the first time, as wind and solar projects produce a surge in clean energy during the coronavirus lockdown.
Virus could cause biggest emissions drop since World War II (https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/virus-biggest-emissions-drop-world-war-ii-200403062419822.html) But analysts warn this positive change could be short-lived if no structural changes occur. Carbon dioxide emissions could fall by the largest amount since World War II this year as the coronavirus outbreak brings economies to a virtual standstill, according to the chair of a network of scientists providing benchmark emissions data.
Addressing climate change in a post-pandemic world (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/addressing-climate-change-in-a-post-pandemic-world?cid=other-eml-alt-mip-mck&hlkid=73962be94ab24b699b099f4a2af9e9e3&hctky=11780683&hdpid=50056e1f-1960-4ae3-b9a3-ff33b5ea692e) The ongoing crisis holds profound lessons that can help us address climate change post-coronavirus–if we make greater economic and environmental plans for the recovery ahead. You made it to the end! ðPlease share & forward this newsletter to a friend Feedback (https://app.slack.com/client/T4HLEQA3F/CLRPE39NX/thread/C4J8RQ2J3-1568299902.131900) ⢠Subscribe (https://tech.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=08b8a799dd414ce9163cf3474&id=97c1d5f785) ⢠Join CAT (https://climateaction.tech/#join)
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