July Musings, Scaling Back, And Cozy Writing
Hello, readers!
It’s July, the month of summer sunshine!
August has summer sunshine, too, but for most people they would be starting to go on vacations this month. I’ve been enjoying the summer sunshine for sure, because I feel more alert and awake in the morning.

What Am I Writing Lately?
I posted my July writing update post on my main website!
If you haven’t read it yet, please read it for in-depth information on what I’m currently working on as I move forward in my writing journey. Much of it involves me scaling back my activity online and on socials. Because of this, if you want the most up-to-date material, I would recommend subscribing to (or staying subscribed to, if already subscribed!) to this newsletter.
Since finishing drafting Books 1-3 of the cozy urban fantasy series, one would think that I’m mainly writing Book 4’s first draft, right?
Wrong. I’m writing Book 6.
“Claris, why are you working on Book 6!?”
1. I currently have more writing muse for this one.
This is the one I’m having the most fun with right now with tossing ideas around and putting plot ideas together. Naturally, I have more inspiration for writing it.
2. Plotting for Book 6 came a lot easier to me than Books 4 and 5 did.
This reason probably ties into the first one, especially if I have more muse/inspiration to write it to begin with.
3. Writing this specific book feels more cathartic to me as writer and as a person.
Back in my July writing update post, I mentioned that I had to step back and be more of an actual “part-time” writer versus “full-time” writer I was acting as (and overworking, too, since I almost never took days off writing). Acting as the latter became a detriment to me emotionally, mentally, etc.

How am I dealing with this? By:
Scaling back activity on socials starting immediately since July 1st.
Actually taking a day or two off from my writing sometimes.
Doing other activities to recharge my creative batteries and take care of myself overall.
Allowing myself to put more fun into the writing process, whether it be making character playlists, worldbuilding, or other “behind-the-scenes” actions that aren’t necessarily related to writing the whole book (or book series).
Even though I’m technically writing this series out of order, it’s a bit cathartic to do so. Fun, even. What I miss about writing is the fun of the process. It’s way too easy to be caught in the idea of constantly churning out content for others to read.
I want to take my time enjoying the process of writing this series, especially given that it’s supposed to be a cozy urban fantasy series. This is so I can look back on it and remember how much fun I had with it!
It would also be highly ironic if I ended up burning out or having a lot of hard, negative feelings about this series if I tried to force myself into writing the books chronologically if I didn’t feel like it, or feeling like I have to get them all done ASAP.

What Have I Done Other Than Writing Lately?
There is a lot that goes into being an indie author/poet outside of just writing and posting on socials. So, outside of writing and socials, I have:
Updated the entire Press page on my website, including uploading a new press kit!
Changed my Carrd’s appearance and updated it as needed!
I got interviewed by Night Beats about my second book, “Engagement To Die For!” Click here to check it out!
I want to get a new introductory pinned post posted on Instagram and possibly other socials later this month. When I first introduced myself to the Instagram community, I mentioned that I had two books. Now that I have three books published, I obviously need to update that sooner than later.
What Have I Heard Lately?

For my audiobook and/or podcast rec this time around, I recommend listening to “A Better You,” a podcast by Fernanda Ramirez.
“A Better You” discusses strategies for self-improvement, and becoming a more confident person overall. Much like most podcasts I listen to, I don’t listen to every episode. I do find Fernanda’s tips helpful, and it’s also great to hear her personal stories when they do come up, as they relate well to the topics she discusses.
Episodes I recommend include:

What Have I Been Reading Lately?
I recently posted a book review of “Before The Coffee Gets Cold” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. I found it to be quite a touching book overall.
I mentioned, in my July writing update post, that I’m ending writing book reviews - at least for now if not indefinitely.
I’ve been writing and posting book reviews since 2017. Though I post every two weeks currently, I used to post book reviews every week. It was fun, and it was what helped give me a platform before I dove into being an author professionally. I’ll definitely miss writing book reviews regularly, but I’ve gotten to the point where it’s not an activity that gives me joy anymore.
I might write my thoughts on books I’ve recently read here in this newsletter, but don’t expect full reviews. A lot of this year has me getting rid of things that don’t give me joy anymore and making room for new opportunities and activities that do give me joy. I think it’s important to take some time to examine what you’ve been doing and wonder “does this light me up and give me joy? Is this something I find useful and/or enjoyable?”
Recent reads include:
“Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights”
“Summer Vamp” by Violet Chan Karim
“Murder with Orange Pekoe Tea” by Karen Rose Smith
“The Quest For The Ring Of Power” by Samira Ahmed
Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at clarislamauthor@gmail.com! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).
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Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at clarislamauthor@gmail.com! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).