Figuring Out New Goals and Changing My Mindset
Hello, readers!
At this point, it’s already almost mid-May!
During the months of April and May, I noticed that there has been much emphasis online on making goals for the rest of the year and reassessing what progress was made so far. I think figuring out new goals can be a great thing.
However, I recently realized that I struggle to really enjoy the moment and the act of writing at times. I get so caught up in completing X or Y project that I don’t really feel like I should be allowed to “enjoy” it until I either finish it (whether it be a stage of editing or writing) or publish it. Given this, I wanted to use this month (May) to really get back into enjoying the act of writing.
At this time of writing, I’m currently participating in a “Mindfulness For Writers” event at my local library, which is a two-part workshop talking about mindfulness and how it can help you become a better writer. I attended part one just last week, and part two is later this week! I might discuss this more in the next newsletter if there are any big highlights/takeaways I think could be worth sharing.

For those who missed my monthly writing update and/or my announcement email if you were subscribed to my newsletter just after May 1st 2024:"
My upcoming murder mystery book and the third book in the Harlow Mystery series, “Bloody Fantasia," will be released on June 24th, 2024!
Preorders will be available starting June 10th, 2024. Make sure to save the dates so you don’t forget!

What Have I Been Writing Lately?
I shared a new book review last week! You can click here to check it out.
I mentioned in my writing progress post that I finished writing a poetry chapbook I first drafted about two years ago called “24 Hours.” At the time, it was supposed to be my goal for May between prepping for “Bloody Fantasia”’s upcoming release. However, I then got edits done literally two days before May began. It could not be a goal since it was already accomplished.
You might be wondering: Have I made any new goals since?
Surprisingly: No. Not really.
Instead of creating “goals” to accomplish this month, I decided that I will take this month as a more leisurely month for me, writing-wise.
In the past few months, I’ve edited two whole poetry chapbooks, drafted and/or edited several other novels, and prepared (and still am preparing, technically!) for “Bloody Fantasia”’s release day. Given all of this, I think it’s fair for me to take a break or lighten the author workload a bit for this month. So, that’s exactly what I’m doing!
Outside of preparing for “Bloody Fantasia” releasing on June 24th, I’m still writing. This has led me to:
Do more freewriting
Write more individual poems
Get back into writing a little fanfiction to keep up practice for my writing skills
Come up with outlining and drafting a new novel idea, but not necessarily intensely working on that one project only
It’s been nice to give myself and my brain a break from doing any particularly intense writing or editing. I also think this month is a good time to be a bit lighter on the workload writing-wise. I’ll be quite occupied promoting “Bloody Fantasia” and its release during all of June.
What Have I Heard Lately?

For my audiobook and/or podcast rec this time around, I recommend listening to “Let It Be Easy,” a podcast by Susie Moore.
This podcast is great for those who don’t have the time for long episodes, because - surprise! most of these podcast episodes are quite short. However, they are very to-the-point with Moore offering advice on personal happiness and success.
If you enjoy listening to other podcasts like Gretchen Rubin’s “Happier” podcast or "Laurie Santos' “Happiness Lab” podcast, you’ll probably enjoy “Let It Be Easy” too!
Episodes I recommend include:
What Have I Been Reading Lately?
I’ve gotten back into reading more nonfiction, lately, and I’m trying to be more selective about how much nonfiction I read at once. This is so I don’t get burned out from reading nonfiction like I did briefly, earlier this year. I’m also trying not to just rush through books just to get through reading all of them (though it’s hard not to when you have library books due within a certain amount of time!), so that helped a lot.
I also am trying to read more books on writing too I want to get back into the act of enjoying writing as I mentioned earlier. I figured that reading more books, articles, and magazines on the process might help me get some new insights on the writing craft.
Recent reads include:
“Slow Productivity” by Cal Newport
“The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt
“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne
“Write Frame Of Mind” by Carissa Andrews
Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).
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Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).