"Bloody Fantasia" Preorders Available NOW, Changing Plans For A Book Series, and Learning New Things
Hello, readers!
It’s June! I feel like 2024 has both gone by really fast and really slow.
Fast, in the sense that so much has happened during this year for me. I’ve been writing many projects, putting a lot of effort since January into preparing everything that goes into marketing and releasing “Bloody Fantasia” this month, and even learning some new skills.
Recently, I started picking up more video editing skills.
Since I started using Instagram back in March, I figured it was about time I strengthen my video editing skills so I can create great reels and other short videos. I also figured that video editing can be great to pick up for other reasons:
Making better book trailers!
Creating new motivational writing reels and Youtube shorts! (Yes, I have a Youtube channel. No, I’m not very active on it at this time, but I hope to be a little more active in the future depending on how things go.)
Creating some short writing advice videos!
I like that I’ve started getting more experimental with my work - both on the marketing side and also with writing! It keeps things interesting as an author and poet, and it gives me a variety of things to do.
I also have been dealing with some deeper questions about my writing journey, lately.
How do I want the future of my writing career to go? What books do I want to write next and share with all of you? How far do I want to go with writing and publishing new works? Do I want to accelerate my current pace, or slow down?
There’s a lot to figure out, and I hope to provide some clear answers by the time of July’s monthly writing update post.

My upcoming murder mystery book and the third book in the Harlow Mystery series, “Bloody Fantasia," will be released on June 24th, 2024!
Preorders for “Bloody Fantasia” also just launched YESTERDAY (and also last Friday for all of you newsletter subscribers)!
You can preorder your copy of “Bloody Fantasia” NOW! That way, you can receive it on the official release day (June 24th).
Please also let your fellow murder mystery readers know about this as well! Thanks in advance for your support!

Also, “Winner Takes All” (Book 1) and “Engagement To Die For” (Book 2) are both 50% off during all of June!
If you know anyone who wants to read a new murder mystery series, now is a great time to pick up the Harlow Mystery series’ first two books!

What Have I Been Writing Lately?
Since earlier this year, I’ve been working on a cozy urban fantasy duology. I recently decided, in late May, that it won’t just be a duology. Instead, it’ll be part of a larger series. Said series will likely last longer than three books, unlike the Harlow Mystery series. I have four to five books planned, and the two books that would’ve been in the duology alone are now Books 2 and 3 in the series.
I am currently drafting Book 1, and I’m still outlining Books 4 and 5. My goal (for now) is that all books will have some continuity to them. However, you won’t necessarily have to read all of them to understand each individual book’s main story.
Please note that all of this is still a secondary priority for me this month. Promoting “Bloody Fantasia”’s eventual release is my top priority for June.
What Have I Been Reading Lately?
I’ve been trying to read more fiction, lately, so my reading lists are full of said fiction books to read. Finishing them, however, is...difficult. It’s easy for me to just not bother finishing reading the book because the books’ writing style doesn’t work with me at the time, or maybe the subject matter gets too dark for me to read. However, I have finished some books and enjoyed them.
Recent reads include:
“The Treasure Of Easter Island” by Geronimo Stilton
“The Gamer’s Guide To Getting The Girl” by Kristine Scarrow
“Bless Your Heart” by Lindy Ryan
“Like Me” by Hayley Phelan
Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at clarislamauthor@gmail.com! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).
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Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at clarislamauthor@gmail.com! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).