Bastian's playlist is here!

Bastian’s playlist is now available in the Freebie Library!
For those who aren’t familiar with Bastian in the Harlow Mystery series, here’s a quick summary about him:
Bastian was a university classmate of Aubri’s prior to the events of the series. Both of them reunited in Book 1, “Winner Takes All,” when they were two out of four winners for a week-long vacation. Bastian also met Nick during this time, and the two of them started dating after the events of “Winner Takes All.”
In “Engagement To Die For,” Book 2, readers learned a lot more about his past - thanks to his brother, Leighton Faulkner, being the murder victim. Now, Bastian’s stuck helping to investigate a new murder in the upcoming book “Bloody Fantasia,” Book 3, while helping Aria move into the Da Capo Music Institution.

“Winner Takes All” and “Engagement To Die For” are both 50% off until the end of June 2024!
This is to celebrate “Bloody Fantasia,” Book 3 in the Harlow Mystery series, releasing on June 24th, 2024.
Please note: The sale does not apply on Amazon, but it does apply to all other online retailers.
I’m also happy to announce something else, just for you newsletter subscribers:
Preorders for “Bloody Fantasia” ARE AVAILABLE EARLY FOR YOU!

Surprise! “Bloody Fantasia” is now already available for preorder early for all of you newsletter subscribers!
“Bloody Fantasia” officially releases on June 24th, 2024.
Please let any of your fellow murder mystery fans know about this and the first two books currently being on sale!
Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).
Access the Freebie Library! (Password is "Buttondown")
Thank you for following my writing journey!
I hope you look forward to seeing more of my writing process and work. I also look forward to giving all of you more frequent updates as well, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at! I’ll respond within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays).