Homecoming Game
There are still volunteer positions available for Friday vs Discovery HS!
Concession Pre-Orders are available as always so order your food now and save yourself time during the 3rd quarter break!
Vertical Raise is still ongoing until 9/12 so sell those discount cards to raise money towards your fees!
Saturday Practice
On 9/7 there will be a Saturday morning practice to help the band prepare for our first exhibition and we need people to help paint our new props! Please sign up here!
SWAG shop coming
We’re setting up an online store for you to order some band booster gear including hats, shirts and more! More details on that will be available soon!
Vertical Raise
Keep sending out emails and texts for the Vertical Raise fundraiser! There are 15 days left to sell the discount card apps! Go to vraise.org and use fundraiser code 81488319.