032024: Greetings from the shore
Where I was. I am writing this as I am sitting in a kayak on the swells of the Atlantic Ocean. We’re passing by the caves of Benagil, as I decided to live my life more to the fullest. That’s how I ended up in this boat, on those waves, which are much higher than I expected. It turns out that sitting in a lightweight polyethylene vessel on top of the ocean is not dangerous—but it was more than I could handle. All of a sudden I realize how little control I have over the situation—just like fear, waves come in waves. They cannot be tamed. And so I panicked.
I’m obviously not writing this out at sea; I am here at my desk. My safe haven, so to speak. Welcome to a new issue of this little dispatch. I’m Christoph, this is my website, and you are reading my occasional newsletter.
Paddling out there on the ocean, floating between waves, I wasn’t capable of clear thinking. Afterwards though, when waves and panic quieted down, I was in awe of this lack of control. These waves were just something that couldn’t be changed. We are so used to making things work: We can learn new tools and technology to adapt. We can shift dates in our calendars. We can pull up a sweater if we’re cold, and we can ask for help if we’re lost. But we cannot change the waves. We simply have to decide if they are for us, and if not, we better stay out of them.
I prefer my terrains to be manageable. That’s just something I learned about myself this month. I am totally aware of the fact that being a control freak is coined as bad character. Control freaks are no fun to be around. I know that! But I cannot deny that I am one. And I think that sometimes, it comes in handy in my job as a designer, too. Attention to detail; obsession over minor matters; observing and taking a closer look. I’m here for it. Somebody has to be!
Poolside read: For my vacation (the part on land, in my deckchair), I got myself the last issue of The Happy Reader. I’m so sad they don’t make it any longer, as I was the ultimate target audience for their witty writing, their miniatures and anecdotes. However, you can follow editor in chief Seb Emina’s subsequent endeavor, the newsletter Read Me.
On my own account: Next Wednesday (September 18), I am giving a short talk and exercise on Writing as a design tool (in German, I guess). If you’re in Berlin, come around: Ignite Talks #7, 19.00 – 22:00 at CoCreation Loft, Schinkestraße 9, 12047 Berlin. Get a ticket here!
From the sketchbook: In our summer writing workshop, my friend and participant Bastian wrote about this guy he saw at the train station, reading his newspaper. He called him Peter. I drew him, and now he somehow turned into us; Peter, and Bastian, and also myself.
Thank you for reading and sticking around. I hope you had a great summer. I am sad to see it go, but I am also slowly getting ready for autumn. Taking in some fresh air, watching the waves from the shore, knowing my comfort zone. I hope you know or find yours, too! Speak soon—Christoph 💌