June Week Off (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #23)
Dear readers,
I’m having a lovely weekend off celebrating my 33rd birthday, so I’ll be back next week with another missive on the things I’m reading and learning and thinking about.
My only note: I pray and hope that this round of debates and protests and marches in memory of George Floyd is indeed the turning point it has felt like it might be. I encourage you: to pray earnestly for change, and if you’re an American, find ways you can invest in changing the profoundly unjust justice system here. Call your national Representatives and Senators and press them to work to end qualified immunity. Call your state representatives and press them to end over-criminalization and mass incarceration. Learn about these things, about the history and present realities of both racial politics and dysfunctional policing, and work where you are to do better.
Until next week, in prayer and hope that we change things. Perfection is not attainable—but we can do better than this. We must.