Across the Sundering Seas
Signing off 👋 (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #26)
June 28, 2020
Hello, readers, This is the final issue of Across the Sundering Seas—a mostly-weekly-up-till-now newsletter about the things I’ve been reading and thinking...
Dark Matters (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #25)
June 21, 2020
Hello readers, I’m Chris Krycho, and this is Across the Sundering Seas, my mostly-weekly newsletter on what I’ve been studying, reading, and generally...
Music production—and a note on “the discourse” (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #24)
June 13, 2020
Hello again, readers! Another week, another missive from me—Chris Krycho, author of Across the Sundering Seas, this basically-weekly newsletter that you’re...
June Week Off (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #23)
June 6, 2020
Dear readers, I’m having a lovely weekend off celebrating my 33rd birthday, so I’ll be back next week with another missive on the things I’m reading and...
SPAAAAAAAAAACE! (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #22)
May 30, 2020
Hello readers, SPAAAAAAAAAACE! That’s basically the whole newsletter this week, truth be told. The rest is just a slightly more articulate elaboration of...
Anthropocentric? (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #21)
May 27, 2020
Hey readers, I wrote this and was all ready to send it out… and then there was a quirky issue with Buttondown, the newsletter service I use: I couldn’t log...
Home-ier economies (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #20)
May 17, 2020
Hello, readers! I’m back with another missive. This one will be a little different, as you’ll see, but I’m just glad to get it out (even if it’s a day late)....
“The Wife Glitch” (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #19)
May 9, 2020
Hello there, readers! Another week, another missive! (This is Across the Sundering Seas, a newsletter by Chris Krycho—me—about the things I’m learning and...
May Week Off (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #18)
May 2, 2020
Hello, readers! This is my monthly week off of writing the newsletter. With the slight relaxation of stay-at-home guidelines in Colorado this past week, we...
What Even is State? (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #17)
April 25, 2020
Hello, readers! We’ve nearly made it to the end of the longest April in living memory, and that after the longest March in living memory. I hope, very...
Probabilistic Reasoning (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #16)
April 18, 2020
Good morning, readers! It’s a nice day here in Colorado, and I’ve done some reading and study again this week, so I’m happy to be diving back in with some...
How I Study (Across the Seas 2020 #15)
April 12, 2020
Hello readers! Let’s talk research tools. It’s a subject near and dear to my heart, and although I’m a long way from being able to do things as well as I’d...
Wife had COVID = April week off (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #14)
April 4, 2020
Hey readers, Chris here, noting that this week will be my week off for April. I mentioned last week that my wife had been sick; it was indeed COVID as far as...
The “Why’s” of My Reading List (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #13)
March 29, 2020
Hello readers! I read almost nothing this week. I had a very sick wife (now on the mend), and therefore ran point for our whole household, including all the...
Retcons (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #12)
March 22, 2020
Hello fellow travelers, Coronavirus changes have made a surprisingly significant difference in my day-to-day (as I’m sure is far more true for those of you...
“Life… finds a way” (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #11)
March 14, 2020
Hello readers! I hope all of you are staying safe and well in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s the kind of thing that reminds us forcefully that we...
March week off and preview of next week (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #10)
March 7, 2020
Hello readers, Been a strange week, so this is my once-a-month week off. I’ll be back next week, likely with some reflections from Elizabeth Eisenstein’s The...
The Age of Spiritual Machines, or the faith of modernity (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #09)
February 29, 2020
Happy leap day, readers! I’m back and at it again this week, and I’m chomping at the bit to say a piece about Ray Kurzweil’s The Age of Spiritual Machines,...
Schedule notice: n − 1 issues per month (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #08)
February 22, 2020
Dear readers— —today I realized that mechanically, this needs to be a (number of weeks in the month − 1)-issues-per-month newsletter. This week involved (a)...
Revision is a permanent state of affairs (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #07)
February 16, 2020
Hello readers! I’m back this week with another reflection on learning and knowledge, courtesy of Elizabeth Eisenstein. First, let’s get the obligatory (but...
Structural Exploitability (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #06)
February 8, 2020
Good Saturday to you, readers! In case you somehow subscribed to this email in a semi-conscious daze after Groundhog Day festivities, were hate-subscribed to...
How do we get to Good Software? (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #05)
February 2, 2020
Hello, fellow sojourners! I’m Chris Krycho, and this is Across the Sundering Seas—a weekly newsletter digging into the things I’ve been reading and thinking...
Climate change (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #04)
January 25, 2020
Good day, readers! I’m Chris Krycho, and this is Across the Sundering Seas, a weekly newsletter about the things I have been reading and studying lately—from...
Knowledge and Mystery (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #03)
January 18, 2020
Hello again, readers! 2020 keeps 2020-ing, and happily, I'm on the mend from last week’s illness. Here’s hoping that’s the last such nonsense of the year:...
Out sick! (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #02)
January 12, 2020
Hello readers—just a quick note that this is an out-sick kind of week for the newsletter. I ended up with a nasty chest cold and my dear wife got a kidney...
Human Nature (Across the Sundering Seas 2020 #01)
January 4, 2020
Hello from the future, everyone! —where by “the future” I mean “2020,” because it’s kind of amazing to me that we’re in 2020. William Gibson’s line— The...
Shall we all keep publishing? (Across the Sundering Seas #32)
January 1, 2020
Well, hello there! It is the end of 2019. 2020 is upon us! First things first: thank you to every last one of you who has followed along with this...
"Comments" vs. emails, and more on incrementalism (Across the Sundering Seas #31)
December 14, 2019
This week, a two-part note: an exchange with a reader, picking up on some of the themes from last week (very lightly edited); and some early reflections on...
Notes on incrementalism, solutionism, and prosperity (Across the Sundering Seas #30)
December 7, 2019
Hello again, readers. It has been a few weeks courtesy of weekend travel around Thanksgiving: cross-country plane rides with kids (even really great...
Fractal Wonder (Across the Sundering Seas #29)
November 16, 2019
Hello there, fellow travelers! I come to you this week with three articles, ranging from fractal wonder to depression to remix culture. A smorgasbord, as is...
Edges (Across the Sundering Seas #28)
November 10, 2019
Hello, readers! This week in Across the Sundering Seas, something a bit different—some relatively quick hits (“relatively” because, well, it’s me), none...
Flux (Across the Sundering Seas #27)
November 2, 2019
Hi there! A hearty welcome to all of you readers who got here, as far as I can tell, because I wrote a strongly-worded complaint about the state of Apple’s...
I return with a challenge! (Across the Sundering Seas #26)
October 19, 2019
Hello, dear readers, It has been a while! I last wrote you in early August. A few things have happened between then and now that have kept me from writing…...
On Twitter: thoughts preliminary and limited, but settling, too (Across the Sundering Seas, #25)
August 3, 2019
Hello, readers! It has been almost two months since I cut Twitter out of my life, and I have been mulling a bit over the last few weeks about the change. My...
Friction is the Friend of Serendipity (Across the Sundering Seas, #24)
July 29, 2019
Hello again, fellow sojourners on the Eastern shore, fellow longers-for-Westernesse. (This is in your inbox because at some point you signed up for a...
Training hard and recovering: running and thinking (Across the Sundering Seas, #23)
July 20, 2019
You can’t sprint up the mountain your entire life. You just physically can’t. —Charity Majors Earlier today, I (finally!) got to a podcast episode (which has...
Against content, for rhythms and monotony (Across the Sundering Seas, #21)
July 16, 2019
Since I left Twitter, I have been slowly and carefully, but nonetheless steadily, upping the number of feeds in my RSS reader.1 I enjoy having a steady...
Christianity in the Middle East, The (Not!) Death of RSS, and Scientism (Across the Sundering Seas, #22)
July 5, 2019
Hi there, readers! I had a lovely week this week, and hope you did as well. My family’s celebration of America’s Independence Day was quite interesting this...
Symmathesy, and the audacity of coining new words (Across the Sundering Seas, #20)
July 1, 2019
Hello again, readers! This post comes to you a couple days later than normal because I spent most of Saturday helping friends move from one apartment to...
Procedural liberalism and turning the other cheek (Across the Sundering Seas, #19)
June 22, 2019
Well, readers, I am back. And a thing happened in my life since last I wrote you: I abandoned social media! It has been a long time coming, in some ways. I...
A vacation and a birthday 🏝 (Across the Sundering Seas, #18)
June 4, 2019
Hello, everyone! I forgot to mention that my wife Jaimie and I are on vacation, celebrating 10 years of marriage, June 1–12 (including my birthday today!),...
Finishing things on the internet (Across the Sundering Seas, #17)
May 28, 2019
I am cross-posting this to my blog and the newsletter, and the reason it is a couple days late will be apparent in the content below. A good thing, but a big...
Learning and thinking and writing (sometimes in public) (Across the Sundering Seas, #16)
May 18, 2019
Well, dear readers— The essay I mentioned last week (the piece I thought would be this email this week) has taken on a life of its own, as these things so...
Convenience; ‘Gamer Girls’; Fertility; Neoliberalism (Across the Sundering Seas, #15)
May 13, 2019
Hello readers! This weekend was far fuller than usual, with a combination of family activities and a very long day of work on a podcast episode (drafting a...
rewrite project, a short life of Gene Wolfe, and depolarization (Across the Sundering Seas, #14)
May 4, 2019
Hello, readers! Today, a missive in three very distinct parts. I. rewrite: a project announcement First up: as a few of you know after emailing me back last...
Confronted by weakness; social media monastics (Across the Sundering Seas, #13)
April 27, 2019
I had promised news of this project I’m working on, hopefully in the form of a way to get recurring news of it. Alas, ’twas not to be: I made the terrible,...
Wage Subsidies and Public Theology (Across the Sundering Seas, #12)
April 21, 2019
This week, I spent a great deal of my “free” time working on something new. I’ll have more to say on it soon—including, next week, a link to what will at...
Regulation, an independent scholar, the semantic web, and SCALE (Across the Sundering Seas, #11)
April 14, 2019
Hello again, readers-of-newsletters! This week is more the “traditional” format: lots of good links from things I read this week! A Regulatory Framework for...
“The Slow Web” and the limits of “solutions” (Across the Sundering Seas, #10)
April 7, 2019
I have been thinking a lot over the last month about Alan Jacobs’ comments here on “stock” and “flow” in newsletters: It strikes me that there are two basic...
Viruses, power, art, and journalism (Across the Sundering Seas, #9)
March 30, 2019
Hello, friendly readers! You may have noticed that you did not get a message two weeks ago. This is not because I failed to write, but because I failed to...
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