February 2022 Irregular Update from Chris Davis, PhD
When last I wrote you in July, I promised an irregular update. I am happy to see I am achieving that goal. Seven months later, I have another irregular update.
In January I tried an experiment to post something every day to LinkedIn. I did a mix of quotes and longer, original pieces of writing. The latter I published to LinkedIn and shared on LinkedIn.
If we are not connected on LinkedIn, my profile page is https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcmdavis/ and it would be great to connect.
Here are the list of stories I published in January:
Use Cases: A Story of Four Tablets https://link.medium.com/5qQRNkhqvmb
Planning with Purpose https://link.medium.com/2eqJSp6eymb
Wayfinding for Personal Planning and Productivity https://link.medium.com/EkprjgDFBmb
Success Lessons from Walt https://link.medium.com/5eAAqenREmb
Proposal for a New Model for Higher Education https://link.medium.com/RvIP2dpbImb
You Do You: A Life Philosophy https://link.medium.com/qio9mORyJmb
The Secret to Reality TV Success: Multiple Intelligences https://link.medium.com/nNJTmspGNmb
What is the most useless college degree? https://link.medium.com/Dbe9qCOZQmb
Please Don’t Cold Email Me https://link.medium.com/V0UUU1RoUmb
How to be Successful at MLM https://link.medium.com/tkQjwWcTWmb
The Problem with Modern Stoics https://link.medium.com/xHz2yShL1mb
Leadership Secrets of Disney’s Moana https://link.medium.com/vN3huJsf4mb
The End of Lifespan Development https://link.medium.com/DRiOnM796mb
How to Pick a Dissertation Topic https://link.medium.com/6f9OtJymcnb
How to Start a University https://link.medium.com/uLBDpUvefnb
How to Lead a Change Revolution https://link.medium.com/aLaVXWJdhnb
This page includes data on how many views I had from LinkedIn and Medium as of early February and also has links to each story: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ4r1oS8lUCVDy2se3fFUGYdc5J0QoC-GtlYWP1_L3O3VsgYTsX0zydo90Hk4RNR8IVcxrfCncWeXNf/pubhtml
My editorial approach was to throw many things against the wall. Some were stories I had shared before. Some were works in progress I pushed out. I covered a range of topics.
I am using February to recovery, and my plan in March is to start publishing 2 stories per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think that is sustainable for me. I already have a list of topics. I had hoped that the data would give me insights into what people were interested in reading, but I don't see any patterns. Some topics had low interest but high engagement. Few people were interested, but those who were, really engaged.
If there is something that you would like to see me write about, please let me know.
If you would like to schedule a call to talk, you can do that on my web site: https://www.chrisdavisphd.com
If there is anything I can do to support your success (personal or professional), please let me know. My coaching and other services are free though gratuities are accepted. The real reward is in helping others.