Downcrawl 2E is Live!
Early Bird backers get a special perk...
🚨 It’s happening! 🚨 The Downcrawl 2E BackerKit campaign is off to the races, and there’s a bunch of cool stuff to talk about.
Early Bird Special
If you’ve been following this blog, you know about the Downcrawl Deck and how it’s a fun and easy way to access all the great inspirational prompts on tables in the book.
Well, if you back in the first 48 hours (or are a returning backer from one of my previous projects), you’ll get 10 extra cards added to your Downcrawl Deck! Each card has over twenty individual prompts on it, so that’s basically 200 extra idea prompts for your Downcrawl game.
These bonus cards are an exclusive perk for this crowdfunding campaign and will NEVER be offered again after it ends! So don’t sleep on this—back now to reserve your extra cards.
I put a lot of thought into what kind of extras I could offer for the crowdfunding campaign that weren’t just junk, but would meaningfully enhance your experience of playing Downcrawl. I’m super excited at what emerged from this process: some genuinely cool and useful add-ons to your game.
The crowdfunding page has the full lowdown on everything, but here’s a quick preview of a couple of my faves:
The Delver’s Guide is a spiral bound quick reference book of all the moves and tables from Downcrawl. This is super convenient to pass around the table, and it lies flat so you can keep it open and handy while you’re working through a complex move or looking something up.
The Even Deeper Deck adds an entire second deck of cards, with more than eight hundred even weirder prompts for your Downcrawl game. (I blogged about this one here.)
I’m even going to make triangular metal coins to track Tack (your primary resource for navigation in the Deep, Deep Down).
There’s details on all of the above and a lot more over on the crowdfunding page: check it out for the deets.

Start Playing Today
Here’s a big one: if you back the Downcrawl campaign at the $25 level or higher, you’ll get immediate access to the full current draft of the rules. That, in a way, makes this also the release day for Downcrawl 2E 😳 (nope, don’t want to think about that).
The draft rules are obviously still a work in progress: notably, they don’t have any final art in place, layout is still preliminary, and I’m still tweaking rules and mechanics in response to playtests. But the game really is mostly complete, and you can really start playing today if you back the campaign!
As a teaser, you can also download the complete Journey Rules for Downcrawl before backing. Normally I’d accompany these with a whole post breaking them down, but I’ve written A LOT this week so in this case I’ll just let them speak for themselves! ;)
I hope you’ll join me on this journey Down! Thanks for being a fan, and until next time,