Hello there! 👋
Sitting in YVR right now, about to board a plane to Tokyo. I am flying over there for a week of client work. Can’t believe it has been less than a year away and I am already returning to Japan 😅. I will post some pictures on Flickr, no doubt.
In the meantime, February has been about juggling a super busy professional calendar with renovations on the new house. I am very excited to finally move in next month. It was February of 2020 that we left the house in Kelowna in which we lived for 8 years. That house is the one my kids cherish as their “childhood home.” Since then we have lived in 6 cities, moving multiple times even within those cities. If you count the temporary places we stayed (not hotels but places where we payed rent), this final move will be our twelfth (12) in the past 5 years. Really looking forward to some stability… to standing on the lawn in front of a house that I own, holding a garden hose, in shorts and black socks with sandals, and completing the long transformation into my own father.
But for all that talk of stability, March is still a whirlwind of activity: a week in Japan, one day of rest then a few days in Kelowna to get the last of our stuff from my brother’s crawlspace (and also to play the last session of Curse of Strahd in person), moving into the new house, and then immediately afterwards I will be in Seattle for the ATmosphere Conference where I look forward to meeting a bunch of the devs from the atproto ecosystem. If you are interested in open social networks, this is one conf you don’t want to miss!
With any luck, my April will be a bit more settled (although I can see two more conferences I will be attending from my “interesting conference” list). I am really looking forward to watering that lawn… Anywho, off to catch the plane!
Take care!
All the different bilinguals in my home
Linguistic diversity in the household.
Thanks for the mench Neverpost! 👋 Traffic Camera Selfies
Got a shout out.
We went to the Vancouver FanExpo Photos →
Website design inspo (sound on) Link →
Ranking AI models by energy usage Link →
Watch how this blind gentleman experiences a basketball game using haptics Link →
Elno is blocking Signal. Everyone, get on Signal Link →
The World After Gaza by Pankaj Mishra
(100% Complete)
I finished this book in two days this month. Pankaj Mishra’s righteous teardown of Western tradition (racism, slavery, colonialism) puts Gaza and the Shoah in a wider context as he tries to wrestle it away from politicians with narrow agendas. Astounding work. You know how I loved Ta-Nehisi Coates’s book The Message. I would love to see these two writers in dialogue about the different angles they took on Israel Palestine: one imagines the potential horrors of Black Nationalism, the other reminds us of the horrors of post-colonial ethno-nationalism.
Connect with me on GoodReads → or on Bookwyrm →