November 2024 ⁂ Like a waving hand
I’m Chad Comello and this is Chadabout, a monthly update about what I've been writing, reading, and doing.

Hey all,
Our household spent November battling strep throat, ear infections, and other maladies, so we’re very glad to have emerged into Thanksgiving and the start of Christmastime on the upswing. Happy (and healthy) holidays to you and yours!
On to the links…
A world of writes and write-nots is a world of thinks and think-nots.
Oh and guess what.
On listing the top 50 movies of the 21st century.
What my ballot looked like.
How the Pulp Fiction poster became a dorm room staple.
The first Zoom meeting happened in 1916.
Humanity’s first interstellar transmission turns 50.
Find the net elevation—i.e. the height difference between their birth and death place—of dead people.
Memento Movi is a cinematic progress bar for your life.
Reading: Nuthin’!
Watching: Children of Men, the greatest film of the 21st century
Listening: The Oh Hellos’ Family Christmas Album: Volume II
“It’s like a waving hand. I could stare at it every day forever.” — our 5 year old while staring at our bonfire
Photo: The fading embers of our first backyard bonfire in a long while.