November 2023 ⁂ A merry morning
I’m Chad Comello and this is Chadabout, a monthly update about what I've been writing, reading, and doing.

Hey all,
We normally bust out the Christmas decorations on Black Friday but this year didn't get around to them until Sunday. This actually worked in our favor because we woke up to an idyllic snowfall that made the morning festivities that much merrier, especially for our 4 year old. Let the great Christmas music binge begin!
On to the links...
My recent posts
Podcasts of the moment - Status update on my podcast particulars.
Cut the intro - It'll make your writing better every time.
Write thank-you notes to your favorite authors - You never know if they'll write back.
From the interwebs
Finalists for the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
Government comic books.
Words that deserve wider use.
“Why do we go to the movies in the first place? To have a vicarious experience. For two hours we sit there and if the movie works we stop being ourselves to some degree and become the characters on the screen.” - Roger Ebert
Photo: My boy bounding through the backyard.