February 2024 ⁂ A proud internerd
I’m Chad Comello and this is Chadabout, a monthly update about what I've been writing, reading, and doing.

Hey all,
Back in the fall of 2010 I traveled to Bogotá, Colombia, where I stayed for a little over three months with the Encisos, a missionary family. It was a wonderful, challenging, mind-opening time, which I chronicled on my blog.
So imagine my surprise this weekend when I was reading their latest newsletter and came upon the Jorge Recommends section:

Needless to say I am very proud to be an internerd, and honored his daughter Matilde (who was only 3 years old when I was there!) regards this newsletter so highly.
On to the links...
Went on a podcast to talk all things WALL-E.
Wherein my 5 year old accidentally pulled a Zoolander.
Pondering the purpose of art.
The same 5 year old pondered my art and found it lacking.
My two boys' media of the moment.
NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day feed is a treasure trove of amazing photos.
Thanks to science for being able to read ancient papyri.
Yay for rewilding old golf courses!
All the ways Mount Everest can kill you.
Reading: Good Inside by Becky Kennedy and The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
Watching: Masters of the Air series (Apple TV+)
Hearing: The "Making Masters of the Air" podcast
(In honor of today being Leap Day, I searched my book notes repository for "leap" and this one came up:)
“The history of knowledge conventionally focuses on break through ideas and conceptual leaps. But the blind spots on the map, the dark continents of error and prejudice, carry their own mystery as well.”
—Steven Johnson, The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic and How It Changed Science, Cities and the Modern World