February 2022 ⁂ You know I love a pun...
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Why the name Chadabout? You know I love a pun, and there are three embedded in it:
It's a play on gadabout. One definition pegs it as "one who roams or roves about, as in search of pleasure or amusement," which sounds a lot like my whim-based approach to culture.
It sounds like "chat about". Though I'm not talkative by default, I view writing as conversation—with my own thoughts, with what I'm reading and watching, with other people's perspectives and arguments. Put that to the test and reply anytime.
It's about what I'm about. I write about what I'm interested in. Period. Been that way since I started blogging in 2006. ChadComello.com has always been a labor of love, and that's the way it will continue.
With that, let's get to the good stuff.
1. My recent posts
Into his great daily unknown - A birthday appreciation of my ever-adventurous toddler.
Media of the moment - An ongoing series documenting the books, movies, and music I've encountered lately.
Under the bookfluence - Targeting and destroying one shame-based reading practice at a time.
No disclaimers - A memory from college taught me a valuable life lesson.
Recent Views - An ongoing series of selected pics from my iPhone.
2. From the interwebs
Mister Rogers and typewriters. A short history of the ballpoint pen. The Interstate Highway's forgotten codes. What if Titanic but with a cat?
3. Recommendation
Scarves. For most of my life I was not a scarf person, mostly because a hat and/or hood usually protected me enough from the cold. But I started using a small one this winter and it's been a game-changer.
4. Quote
"There is an instant drama to an encounter, but remember that beyond the single moment is the long and ornate process of living." – Craig Childs, The Animal Dialogues
5. Question
What are you into now that you never thought you would be into? (Reply to this email to share.)
— Chad
Photo: My freshly minted 3 year old venturing into the frozen Chicagoland tundra from our garage.