Casually Obsessed
The Harry Styles Franchise
November 21, 2022
Seeing Harry Styles 3 times in 3 months has left me with a very unexpected feeling, which is one of disillusionment. The closest thing I can compare the...
A new year hiatus
January 17, 2022
I'm putting Casually Obsessed on hiatus while I focus on other projects (namely: The Bi Pod and my revising my novel). I'm hoping the extra space in my...
Hard-Edged Girls
November 25, 2021
I have a rule that I don't consume content that begins with the murder of a girl. What I'm actually trying to distance myself from is shows like "True...
Harry trips the light fantastic
November 16, 2021
When I first started telling people that I was starting Casually Obsessed, everyone wanted to know when I was going to talk about Harry Styles. I'm sure he...
Book People
October 25, 2021
I love books. Reading them and writing them and collecting them. Having them in my house, perusing them in book stores, sending them as gifts to friends. I...
Rec'd in the group chat
October 18, 2021
I've been thinking about the role of the group chat ever since Bad Art Friend (I'll link out for clarity, but if you haven't been exposed to the Bad Art...
The Guinevere Deception
October 11, 2021
Guinevere isn’t Guinevere. That’s one of the first things we learn in Kiersten White’s “The Guinevere Deception.” The novel is an Arthurian retelling through...
Spaced and Confused: Thoughts on Harrow the Ninth and Foundation
October 4, 2021
For the last few months, my tolerance for unfamiliar content has been fairly low. I've been more excited for sequels than new titles; for several weeks the...
Only Murders in the Building
September 27, 2021
There’s a particular pleasure in the referential. A well-used allusion can trigger nostalgia, add depth, provide context. A lot of work can be done by...
September 20, 2021
This week I'm thrilled to be bringing you an essay from the brain of one of my most favorite people — Christina Brown. Christina is a pop culture scholar and...
Atomic Blonde
September 13, 2021
The first time we see Charlize Theron in the blue light of "Atomic Blonde" she's emerging from an ice bath. The bruises across her pale white skin look like...
Cultural Labor
September 6, 2021
It's Labor Day here in the US, so I'm celebrating other people's labor by sharing a few pieces of my favorite cultural commentary - old and new-ish. Cause...
The Body
August 30, 2021
There's this episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" called "The Body." It's one of those episodes that always gets mentioned when talking about the show...
In the Dark
August 23, 2021
One of the ways I know that my interest in something has crossed into casual obsession territory is when I can't stop thinking about some small detail. It...
Sex on Television
August 16, 2021
Have you ever noticed that the sex on television all kind of looks the same? "Game of Thrones" or "Riverdale," "Bridgerton" or "Grey's Anatomy", the shows...
The Church of Carly Rae Jepsen
August 9, 2021
I'm a recent convert to the church of Carly Rae Jepsen. I wish I had a good explanation for why it's taken me this long, but I really don't. If you're not a...
Carry On
August 2, 2021
I recommend Carry On by Rainbow Rowell early and often. It's a book (a trilogy, actually) that doesn't have any business being as good as it is. I went into...