Pre-Valentine's Day Post
Very exciting - The Happy Secret of It All is now available for pre-order on pretty much all the platforms out there! The book will be coming out as planned, on Valentine’s, but if you want to make sure you can read it as soon as possible, that’s the way to go. (If so inclined, you could also request your library get it on Overdrive or Hoopla, as it’s going up on those apps as well.)
I’m quite anxious lately, both because of the normal pre-publishing nerves (what if everyone hates it, what if this was a terrible idea) and because of the potential for the federal government to declare that my fiction is illegal and can’t be carried on any major platforms. Right now, I’m trying to firmly remind myself that in dark times, it’s still important to write and share books like mine.
I also have some other fun news: my short story about the palace guards was accepted by Sunset Wave Press for their next anthology. Not exactly sure of the publishing schedule yet, but you’ll be hearing more about that! I’m pretty sure I’ll have some e-ARCs to give out at some point …
I’ve made ruffled mushroom pot pie several times in a row now (to use up the phyllo pastry sheets, but also because I have no problem eating the same dinner over and over and over), and I strongly recommend the recipe. Just had to share!
I have no fashion content today (although I’m trying to post 1920s stuff all week over on BlueSky), so here is a photo of Bonnie with a new toy that she really loves:

Thank you for reading!