Hey friends!
Welcome back. You made it through another week. Congratulations.
Last time I got several complaints from a large number of you is that I didn't include a jokes section. So I'll have two this time to make up for it. Here we go.
Web links of the week
Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
Setting up Gulp and Sass
JavaScript Basics: The Execution Context and the Lexical Environment
WebGL Tunnel Animation
11 ways to invoke a JavaScript function
Popper.JS: A Popover/Tooltip Library
Something that interested me this week
I ate a lot of cereal this week and started to wonder about how we, as a society, got to eating breakfast cereal. So I looked up the
history of it, which was interesting. All of the articles and information on the subject mostly touch on how it was made, and who were the people making it.
I'm curious about what consumers initially thought of it when it came out. Because it was designed to be "ready to eat", it reminded me of how something like Soylent is being marketed right now. Some of the first machines that made cereal were marketed as the "8th Wonder of the World" and said it was the "food of the future". Which, if you look up
"Soylent food of the future" right now, you'll find dozens of articles saying just that.
Today, people seem to either love or hate Soylent (and the people who drink it). I wonder if it was similar when breakfast cereal started to become popular. Did people oppose it saying something like, "kids these days don't appreciate a hot meal", or did they quickly embrace this new form of consumption? These are the things that haunt me. We may never know.
Interview question of the week
Last time we had some fun answers submitted online.
Check out this fun one from Jordan Scales!
This week's question:
Write a simple postfix calculator function that takes in a string expression and returns the result.
Example usage:
postfix('5 4 * 6 2 / +')
> 23
Here's a hint if you don't know what postfix is!
Cool things from around the internet
Keyboard Connectivity: A Global Excursion in Making Stuff
How to draw a Celtic knot
7 fiction books that change the way you think
This one is courtesy of a friendly Lyft driver:
A lawyer is sitting next to a woman on a train and is bored. He decides to make a wager with her to pass the time. The wager is that if he asks her a question and she doesn’t know the answer, she has to give him $5. But, if she asks him a question he doesn’t know he’ll give her $500. She reluctantly agrees to the wager.
The lawyer’s first question to her is "what is the distance from the Earth to the Moon?" She doesn’t know, so she gives him $5.
Her turn. She asks him a riddle: "What has four legs going uphill, three legs going downhill?" He gets on his phone and tries to look up the answer. Nothing. He calls his friends and they don’t know the answer either. He acquiesces and gives her $500, and stops playing the game.
Later on during the trip, the lawyer begs her for the answer because its killing him. She gives him $5.
And another one that I owe y'all for missing last week:
Why can't you use "beef stew" as a password?
Because it's not stroganoff.
And there ya go! Hope y'all have a lovely weekend. Be safe, and make good choices.