Hey friends!
I hope you had a good week! Mine was wildly busy and I'm excited to have some heads-down time this week on some projects. Let's go!
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Should Your Website Work Without JavaScript? (video)
Oops.js: Add powerful undo/redo capabilities to your app
3D Scene → Object → Chicken. Complete 3D CSS Guide (video)
This week was a busy one!
Outside of this I went to a fun masterclass with BCM and recorded some podcasts that'll be live soon. Phew!
Enhance the developer experience on AWS
Internal developer platforms (IDPs) are a preferred method for managing complex DevOps tooling and infrastructure, but where to begin? This Amazon Web Services (AWS) webinar describes optimal IDP configurations for a more agile and productive development environment.
Last week, I had you return the sum of positive squares! Y'all had some OPTIMIZED and clever solutions! Awesome job Mike, Andy, Muhammad, Usman, Ashish, Amine, Joe, Mitchell, Josh, Sathyesh, Chase, Sean, Ricardo, Kriszti, Brenda, Caleb, John, Neil, Arban, Ten, Alison, and Clov!
This week's question:
Given an array of logs and variable assignments, return a list of all unused variables.
> findUnused(["a = 1", "b = a", "c = 2", "log(b)"]);
> ["c"]
> findUnused(["a = 1", "b = a", "c = 2", "log(c)"]);
> ["a", "b"]
(you can submit your answers by replying to this email with a link to your solution, or share on LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastodon, or Bluesky)
This question is brought to you by âš¡ SquiggleConf: a conference for excellent web dev tooling! Unused variable detection is one of the many awesome things web dev tooling can do for you. If you want to learn more about how to supercharge your projects, join us in Boston's New England Aquarium on October 3rd. Use code CASSIDOO
for 10% off.
J-O2 with GMK Coniferous
Server Mono font
U.S. Independent Bookstores map
Butterflies accumulate enough static electricity to attract pollen without contact
My balloon elephant wouldn't fit into the back of the car... so I popped the trunk!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and eat a tasty treat!
Special thanks to IceSloth, Ezell, Sebastián, Ben, Kinetic Labs, Faisal, and Marta for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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