Hello friends!
I hope you had a good week. Protests are still going strong here in Seattle, and it's exciting to see change slowly happening!
Cool Little CSS Grid Tricks for Your Blog
GSAP ScrollTrigger
SVGuitar - JavaScript Guitar Chord Renderer
This past week I built a project I call Sonnet 18 that compares GitHub repositories. It was more challenging than I anticipated! I thought it'd be a simple GitHub API call, and turned into a very big lesson in how routing works in Next.js and its newer features. I ended up writing a blog post about my learnings, if you'd like to check it out.
This week's sponsor is Datadog!
Monitor and track the performance of your web applications with Datadog Synthetics. Get end-to-end visibility into your web applications with API tests set to meet any condition that you define, such as response time, HTTP response, and header or body contents. Monitor the results of these tests alongside infrastructure and application performance metrics in Datadog's customizable dashboards so you can get the full picture of user-facing performance without needing to jump between tools.
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Last week, I had you return the number of 1s of the binary representation of a number. Awesome job Stephen, Gabor, Alex, Jeff, Gino, Teja, Pranjal, Shobhit, Dominik, Ten, Shannon, Andrii, eliykat, David, Matt, Balaji, Dani, Spencer, Jacob, Kyle, Jesse, and Collin!
This week's question:
Build a fixed list combobox.
A fixed list combo box is when a user can type a certain string, and there is a list of strings that is designed to help the user arrive at a value. Here is an example of one! Build something that will take in a set of strings and return matching suggestions as the user types.
How much did AlphaGo Zero cost?
Why skyscraper architects always return to Art Deco
It's not how you play the game, but how the dice were made
Drop CTRL with KAT Milkshake keycaps
Why doesn't anyone know about Napoleon's siblings?
Because they were born apart.
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and finish one of your unfinished projects.
Special thanks toย Gabor,ย Stephen, Louis, and Tomย for supporting myย Patreonย and this newsletter!
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