I hope you had a good week! I had a super busy one, and I’m excited to get things launched this next week (cool stuff is happening at Netlify soon)!
Use CSS Variables instead of React Context
Useful Custom Hooks for Tired React Devs
How to Create a Commenting Engine with Next.js and Sanity
Free Tailwind landing page template
This past weekend we had a small online conference with my Patreon Discord channel! It was a blast, a bunch of people in the group gave really interesting talks on things like ray tracing, design, functional programming, podcasting, cryptocurrency, and more! I’ll be sure to upload the talks soon.
Also, I’m sure you’re hearing it everywhere, but I’m going to say it again: please stay home, and wear your masks when you go out. Together we can slow down the spread of the virus.
This week’s sponsor is Studio 3T!
MongoDB is easy - Now make it powerful!
Studio 3T is the IDE for MongoDB that saves you up to 10 hours of time a week. How?
With 8 major releases alone this year, we take customer feedback seriously - and offer fast, dedicated technical support. With 30 days FREE (no credit card needed!) to trial Studio 3T for MongoDB, what’s stopping you?
Last week, I had you generate a number of playlists. This was a toughie! Great job Roman, Pozorvlak, Ten, and Sameer!
This week’s question:
Given an array of integers arr, a pair (n,m) is called “special” if arr[n] == arr[m], and n < m. Return the number of special pairs. Hint: Nested for loops can work for this one, but a hashmap solution will have a better runtime!
$ specialPairs([1,2,3,1,1,3]) $ 4 // (0,3), (0,4), (3,4), (2,5)
“No One Is Listening to Us”
Purple Haze Cyberboard with Mitospeed
How To Make Paper Mobile Stand Without Glue
The Many Lives of Michael Malloy
Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?
They were just going through a stage.
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and stay indoors!
Special thanks to Gabor and Stephen for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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