Hello friends!
I hope you had a great week! I took some time off work to get unpacked in my new digs. Now let's unpack... the iiiiinternet!
JavaScript Kid Pix
How MDN’s autocomplete search works
Building an Automated Screenshot Service on Netlify in ~140 Lines of Code
This week was a busy one, even though I was on PTO! I recorded a few podcasts (plus a few episodes came out this week like this one and this one), wrote some talks for events coming up, did a CodePen Challenge for the first time in a while, and unpacked more of our house! It's been both fun and very tiring, as you can imagine.
This week's sponsor is Mux!
If you’ve ever tried to do anything with video programmatically, you’ve seen the darkness. Acronyms that represent other acronyms, delivery best practices that change faster than JavaScript frameworks, and amazing tools...that come with decades of cruft and complexity. Video dominates Internet bandwidth and, for a lot of companies, engineering sprints.
Mux is the API to video that changes that. Instead of spending your time learning an entirely new vocabulary, you can just think about Video and how you want to use it. What Stripe did for payments and Twilio did for telephony, Mux does for video.
Take any video file or live stream and make it play beautifully at scale on any device, powered by magical-feeling features like automatic thumbnails, animated gifs, and data-driven encoding decisions. Spend your time building the experience and application that people want, not drudging through ffmpeg documentation.
Last week's question was a toughie! I had you do some matrix math to make sums of rows and columns the same. Major kudos to Jesper, Leyan, Topher, and Ten!
This week's question:
Given a grid size, and a set of mines (in pairs of rows and columns), generate the Minesweeper grid for that set of mines. You can use asterisks for mines, and an x for 0!
let gridSize = 5
let mines = [[1, 3], [3, 5], [2, 4]]
$ generateMinesweeper(gridSize, mines)
WebSecurity Academy is a unique way to master the theory and practice of modern web applications security for frontend, backend, and full-stack developers.
It's an online 12-week bootcamp with an amazing international community and the live support of the author.
Join the waiting list for the next edition that starts in September. You will also receive a lot of quality materials with tips & tricks for free! 😊
The Mysterious Street Snack That Has Baffled Botanists for Decades
Sunsetter with GMK Botanical
The push for a "PBS for the internet"
Why medieval city-builder video games are historically inaccurate
What do you call a nervous javelin thrower?
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and eat well!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Emad, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, and Pedro for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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