Hey friends!
I hope you're doing safe and well! Apologies for the slightly delayed newsletter this time around. It was a bit of a whirlwind for me over the past week; unfortunately, my company had to lay off all full time employees, so I'm currently on the job hunt. It's a bummer, but I'm trying to look at the positives, and am excited about future opportunities. Anyway, onwards!
Web links of the week
Can We Make Open Source More Sustainable?
Building a CRUD App with React Hooks & the Context API
NextJS OAuth with Passport and GitHub
The performance benefits of Variable Fonts
Something that interested me this week
Welp, like I mentioned, I'm out of a job now! The virus dried up business at React Training pretty rapidly, faster than any of us could have anticipated. I had a fun time live-streaming on my last few days of work, and now I'm on the job hunt and figuring out my next move.
As you can imagine, after my boss Ryan tweeted about what happened, a flood of DMs came towards me and my coworkers, and we're all feeling so blessed. If you are looking for a gig, or if you're hiring, check out this thread on Twitter for both people looking for jobs and hiring!
Interview question of the week
Last week, I had you build something with this free COVID-19 API. Amazing work Ten, Dimitris, Pariatol, Sarah, David, Leyan, and Alessandro!
This week's question:
Given a sorted array of characters, compress it in-place.
> ["a","2","b","3","c","2"]
// "aa" is replaced by "a2", "bbb" is replaced by "b3", "cc" is replaced by "c2".
Cool things from around the internet
A Backpacker's Guide to Maps
The Value of Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis
Percent Canoe Polycarb board with ePBT Extended 2048
Why America Is Losing The Toilet Race
How to spot bogus science stories and read the news like a scientist
What's the opposite of isolate?
You so early!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and check on your friends!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, and Louis for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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