Gooooooooood day to you!
After a long week, it's time for another rendezdous with cassidoo. Let's get tootin.
Web links of the week
I miss React and so pretty much all of these are React this time around. Enjoy!
Debate: VueJS vs. ReactJS
How Pure CSS Images Helped Me Understand React Components
Maddy, a functional object operations library
How to use Webpack’s new “magic comment” feature with React Universal Component + SSR
How to Make a Simple Twitter Clone with React Native
Something that interested me this week
This week was a really busy week for me. Lots of deadlines, lots of stuff to do in general. Two people this week asked me, "you seem busy, do you love your job?"
Reflecting on this, I am happy. I love being busy and getting to work on a bunch of different projects (as stressful as it can be sometimes) in and outside of work. And because I do a lot of client work, I
sometimes love my job. 😉
I think what's more important though than loving your job is the ability a job gives you to love and do the things (people, activities, hobbies, projects) you
want to love and do. What I love about my job is that I have the work/life balance and the opportunity to do side projects, practice instruments, play games, and just enjoy my life outside of work (which sounds like common sense, but it's not something I did before this current company). I definitely acknowledge that I am privileged in this regard and not everyone gets the option to have this freedom of choice.
That being said, if anyone out there runs a tech company or has the ability to give employees more time to themselves, I can honestly say that I think I am more productive at work now because I am not working all the time. Consider promoting that to your teams!
As a related note, big congratulations to my company, L4 Digital,
on being named in the top 10 of Washington's 100 best companies to work for. They deserve it!
Interview question of the week
Write a function that takes in a string and reverses all the vowels in the string.
> reverseVowels("I love burritos")
> "o livu berrotIs"