Hello friends!
I hope you had a good week. Mine was packed with meetings and I'm excited for the one ahead. Let's boogie!
How to Control Hue Lights with JavaScript
Why Tailwind isn't for me
You should use React.memo more!
Creating comic book speech bubbles with SVG and JavaScript
This past week I tried writing in Vue.js for the first time! Well, kind of. I tried out Vue several years ago when it was a little less stable (I think the project/talk I made was out-of-date within a week), so it was fun doing it for the first time "for real".
I made a small project with a simple counter and to-do list. I built it live on my streaming channel and got advice from the chat along the way, and it was a really enjoyable time. I was really impressed with how simple the API was, and how it handled small things like events and array mutations. I'd still have to get used to how logic is spread around if I were to build more with it, but I liked experimenting with it!
This week's sponsor is Flatfile!
Think of the last time you imported a spreadsheet. Did it work the first time?
Nearly everyone has dealt with formatting messy CSVs or Excel files prior to importing. It's a huge pain!
Worse yet, countless engineers are tasked with building a data parser from scratch, importer, mapping, validation, UI, and all! As enticing as it is to build another data importer compared to core product features, Flatfile has finally made a solution.
Flatfile Portal is the elegant import button, offering an intuitive data import experience. Portal integrates with virtually any application and in minutes can intelligently ingest, validate, and transform incoming spreadsheet data so that it's clean, and ready to use in your backend.
Interested in trying out the elegant import button? Visit get.flatfile.io/cassidoo!
Last week, I had you design a hashmap. Great job Leslie, Diego, Kev, Moshe, Leyan, David, Colby, Luciano, Carlos, Elliot, Dimitris, Gustavo, Jose, Jonathan, and Ten!
This week's question:
Given an n x n array, rotate it 90 degrees without making a new array.
$ rotate90([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) $ [[7,4,1],[8,5,2],[9,6,3]]
The Architecture of Mass Vaccine Distribution
Earthrise: A Poem About Climate Change by Amanda Gorman
How tag became a professional sport
GMK Taro on TGR Alice
What do sprinters eat before a race?
Nothing, they fast!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and get regular sleep!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, Shell, IceSloth, and Luna for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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