I hope your week was a solid one! Mine was packed with “second week of work” goodies. Onwards!
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Shepherd: Guide your users through a tour of your app
How we built a VS Code extension with Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript
Make JavaScript Games
TheJam.dev 2022
I’ve been in a weird limbo this week of being both busy and lazy, and I’m not sure how to explain it. To try and combat the weirdness, I started working on some habits of trying to regulate my sleep schedule a bit more, and do crossword puzzles before bed instead of watching YouTube/TikToks. It’s been really helpful to have a routine!
This week’s sponsor is Sourcegraph!
If you’ve ever struggled to find something in open source code, there’s a solution. Today, Sourcegraph Cloud allows you to search over 2.2M open source repositories. While we originally intended to keep growing our global index to reach 5.5M repositories, or every GitHub.com and GitLab.com repository with more than one star, read more to learn why we recently re-evaluated in pursuit of truly universal code search.
Last week, I had you return a list of permutations of a string. Great work Leyan, Ten, Ben, Will, Zoe, Rafael, Les, Peter, Laryssa, Michael, Don, and Claude!
This week’s question is sponsored by Sourcegraph!
Using the rules of Wordle, given a guessWord and a solutionWord, return a set of emojis returned from the guessWord.
let solutionWord = "fudge"
$ wordleGuess("reads", solutionWord)
$ "⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛"
$ wordleGuess("lodge", solutionWord)
$ "⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩"
Expanding Islands In The South Pacific
Introduction and principles of cloud classification
A free and fair internet benefits everyone
Mercutio 40% with Epsilon switches
I wrote a song about a tortilla!
Well, it’s more of a rap, really.
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and get enough rest!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Emad, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Pedro, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, Sebastián, and Ben for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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