Hello friends!
I hope you had a great week! Mine was productive. Anyway, let’s goooo.
DeLorean Ipsum Text Generator
5 lessons from 50 days of CSS art
Creating Tiny Desktop Apps With Tauri And Vue.js
This past week I got a bunch done for my Kickstarter project that I launched in January! It’s been quite a struggle to get it done with all of the COVID-19 things (I’ve had to do a lot more on my own than originally planned, and had to get brand new suppliers for nearly every part of the project).
I still have a couple things that need to come in to finalize the project, but at least my end of the laser cutting is done, and I’ve started the packaging. Hopefully this is the home stretch!
This week’s sponsor is Scrimba!
I personally teach React on the Scrimba platform, and it’s awesome. It allows you to pause the video and interact with the instructor’s code, right there in the screencast!
Scrimba just launched the Frontend Developer Career Path, which includes:
This career path will turn you into a hireable frontend developer as fast as possible. By the end of it, you will have learned enough HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React to get your first job as a frontend web developer.
It will also prepare you with strategies to get through the interview process, so that you increase the chance of landing your dream job. It’s fully self-paced, and you can choose whether you’d like to do it part-time of full-time.
If you join as a Scrimba subscriber today, you’ll get to keep your monthly launch price for the duration of your subscription.
Thanks, Scrimba!
Last week, I had you implement a draggable button. Great job Benjamin, Kamal, Daniel, Janell, Pariatol, Uzair, Matt, and Ten!
This week’s question:
Insert a node into a sorted linked list.
Black SMKeyboards Acrylic Case with GMK White on Black
Cutting string with your hands
How Restaurant Design Is Changing As a Result of COVID-19
11 Years of Top-Selling Book Covers, Arranged by Visual Similarity
Why is “dark” spelled with a K and not a C?
Because you can’t C in the dark!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and keep reading.
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, Louis, and Tom for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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